Favorite team:Houston Astros 
Occupation:Team Lead for the Dept of Rabble Rousers
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Registered on:11/24/2007
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Short stop trying to act like Milazzo had any effect on him turning two: [img]https://www.pbh2.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/soccer-dive-epic-flop.gif[/img]...
Good change ups have good arm side run. So RHP the ball breaks away from LH batter. RHP should be able to work FB outside to LH batter and get the batter to chase a change up....
[quote]Immediately cut off gasoline, fuel oil, coal, oil based paint, and natural gas to these states.[/quote] Don't stop there. All products derived from crude oil including plastics, soaps, detergents, clothing, polymers, elastomers. Even further any product that qualifies for the above, can...
[quote]Do y’all feel like we are getting played?[/quote] Present day American Politics be like: [img]https://media.tenor.com/pdn_q-sVx50AAAAM/murica-hulk.gif[/img] [img]https://media4.giphy.com/media/14wTbNneogwjba/200w.gif?cid=6c09b952sb8wraqnzcsm33rxl2nfvf973v7lzhd5xewumpc3&ep=v1_gifs_sea...
I have a cousin who is a lesbian. She hates this month and all activists. She just wants to enjoy private time with her gf. She treats her homosexuality the same way 99% of heterosexuals treats their preference. Most hetero people don't go around celebrating being straight, we just go about the day,...
[quote]increasingly difficult for homeowners struggling with mortgage payments to sell their properties or refinance their way out of trouble[/quote] There's no way this can be looked at without adding in the inflated housing cost due to people moving in in huge amounts from California and NY dur...
[quote]The civil war was fought over slavery.[/quote] Why slavery?...
Just another comment. We HAVE to separate the act of secession with the act of war. Those are two completely separate decisions. States had seceded for months before Lincoln lured the South into firing on Sumter to justify his invasion. Other countries have seceded and it did not end in wa...
[quote]Would there have still been a Civil War regardless of the Slavery issue?[/quote] Yes. We almost had it in 1832 with South Carolina's act of Nullification. Jackson was ready to take military action when I think it was Clay came up with a compromise of a lesser, but still higher, tariff. ...
[quote]lost to them once in the 2013 CWS[/quote] That was when Maneri decided to start Cody Glenn who hadn't pitched in like a month against UNC with Ryan Eades on the bench. Glenn gave up a HR in the 1st inning....

re: Why pull Milazzo for Neal now?

Posted by Cuz413 on 6/1/24 at 6:55 pm
And Larson in LF...

re: Dutton getting taken to the...

Posted by Cuz413 on 6/1/24 at 6:54 pm
Why is he even in the game? We have guys better...
Yep. He bit on the off speed. 0-2 go fastball at the letters. Not a slider ...

re: Frick White and his first Pitch

Posted by Cuz413 on 6/1/24 at 5:40 pm
Like I said in the 3-0 green light thread. He's good but undisciplined at the plate...
Just told my kid that. Like wtf?...
[quote]What principle? Stealing content?[/quote] If I sign up, do I still see commercials? I pay for YT premium so I don't have to sit through commercials. If there's paid advertising, there's no need for additional, individual, costs beyond already paying for my YTTV subscription that includes E...

re: Zona Just Went Down

Posted by Cuz413 on 6/1/24 at 7:38 am
[quote]My son is the S&C coach for the GCU baseball team. Local LA guy doing big things in the desert![/quote] Heck yeah! I hope taught the boys to treat their opponents like you treat a man if catch him checking your crab traps! :lol: :lol: :lol: [img]https://media1.giphy.com/media/836MBd...
[quote]Ok to swing 3-0 when it’s a strike You think it's that easy to recognize?[/quote] Yes. Because by the time a player with White's skills makes it to this point, he knows what's his best fastball, and fastball only, to swing at. Inside, outside, high, low On 3-0, you're taught to lo...