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[quote]RHCP post BSSM is awful[/quote] Maybe... I dunno. But Warped was awesome! Long live Dave Navarro. And whilst here, not Chili Peppers, but compelled to mention John Frusciante's first solo release Niandre Lades, from 1995. Great stuff!!!...

re: Tulsi Gabbard's Aunt Murdered

Posted by LatherZap on 6/1/24 at 4:23 pm
[quote]Dem undoubtedly afraid Tulsi is on Trump's short list for VP.[/quote] Very early, let's not jump to conclusions. Yeah, go ahead and give me a thumbs down....
[quote] Why would they want to give him even more fuel?[/quote] Because they think with their emotions. Dems are not well-acquainted with logic....
It shore did not help!!! Recall thoughtful (but brainwashed) coworker several years back righteously bitching that Willy was impeached because of a blow job. Eh, no....more complicated. For the record, I was (and still am) appalled that Repubs dogpiled Clinton. So I understood his angle....
Local shenanigans in the USA *are* certainly troubling. But I do not believe in "end times", and give even less fricks about flashlight tag played in the Middle East. ...
[quote]We are all Colin Kapernick now. [/quote] Not quite sure what you're getting at- but it IS funny....
[quote]a civil war is incoming.. just not sure when it is going to start.. this is going to get ugly fast.. [/quote] Civil war? Nothing like you might imagine. We've too many modern comforts to lose. But lone wolves? Yep, they might get busy....
[quote] Think about how disgusting it is to cheat on your wife with a porn star who has a bunch of diseases. That’s what they’ll be thinking about. He lost the election today.[/quote] Grandstanding about cheating isn't enough? You must dwell on her porn career and ladle some diseases on top ...
Of course it emboldens and strengthens us. But the fact that this verdict even happened makes me fear further frickery may be inflicted to nullify his chances of reelection. I'll never forget my charming but joyously stupid coworker clinging to a hope that the Electoral College would go against t...
Convicted on some charges, hung on others? Don't know all the details, but all seems like so much bullshite. Figure this "jury" will compromise in some way. Me bet there be some guilty verdicts, not happy about that. But I'm actually more curious about how SOON the verdicts will arrive. ...
[regarding thumbs down] What kind of dolt would downvote my comment? You think being overconfident is constructive? Sheesh Carry on....
"absolute landslide" Don't even THINK about it, lest you get overconfident. Let's focus on getting him back in office, then and only then will we celebrate....
No flag. Were I a homeowner I mmight fly one out front. Might. I vote, but I often feel like "America" is now just a myth. I appreciate those who fly it, but can't bring myself to. *Sometimes* I feel to fly the flag is to deny that we are fricked as a nation. I'll salute the flag, but flying ...
164 episodes in three years?! Them daytime soaps really do film more episodes than prime time television....
[quote]However, really need to look into the #s.[/quote] Right on. I *do* think the jab is clotting things up. But I have to question how "natural" the reporting on such things is. Can statistics demonstrate something crazy is happening, or is it just a tabloid trend to prop up such health...
[quote]You folks actually think he is going to win. This will be worse than 11/9 on here.[/quote] Dude....seriously. I hope you're getting paid for such troll-worthy posts. If you are spending your free time typing such tripe....well then, you've less a life than I....
[quote]Some of his stuff is hard to defend.[/quote] *You're* hard to defend....
Scott laughing at AI's repeating Stephanopoulos' fake last name was gold!...