Favorite team:Florida 
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Registered on:9/3/2021
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[quote]Can you address your thought process of being ok with your youngest being with your wife while she is exhibiting all of this behavior?[/quote] I’m not ok with it …i asked her not to bring him - i honestly don’t know how to stop an adult from doing something aside from getting physical/ i d...
[quote]You must dig deep and find compassion and tolerance for whatever is going on your wife and mother of your child - the woman you swore “for better or for worse” needs your help. Who will do so if you just cast her aside? How are you helping her if you make the situation worse by antagonizing h...
[quote]Wrong. Schizophrenics do many sneaky things - including cash withdrawals, etc.[/quote] To this point- She hasn’t been clinically diagnosed but she does have paranoia over things and I can logically see her pulling money to buy food/gas/ etc bc having cash leaves little footprints and i...
[quote]One thing I can tell you about dealing with people that are paranoid or delusional is that disagreeing with them or telling them they are crazy only makes you part of the conspiracy against them. [/quote] She hasn’t “labeled” me against her but she has said that I’ve been/being influenced ...
[quote]I wouldn't antagonize her at all, j[/quote] Dude/ when i tell you it’s so frickING hard to do…it is !! Bruh, i try to zen out, chill out, try to rest but my spidey senses gets all tense and it’s all i can do to remain calm - it’s like she knows how/when to press those buttons but i try ...
[quote]I've been around plenty of drug addicts, and I'm not saying that's the case here, but the symptoms are the same.[/quote] And the symptoms (minus the cash withdrawals) have been evident for about 7-8mos now…the ATM stuff started like two weeks ago So maybe she picked up doing drugs a ...
[quote]She needs a prescribing psychiatrist rather than therapy in the long run.[/quote] She would not just jump to a psychiatrist but she would see a therapist (she just hadn’t yet) …i know that a therapist would see the oddnes and could gently push her to a psychiatrists ...
[quote]I'd also get more family and friends to speak with the police so you have some back up. You mentioned that her family has observed some of these behaviors right?[/quote] Her younger sister (not the bipolar one) and I talk on the regular now- she definitely sees all this - that’s helped set...
[quote]I’m pretty sure that if the cops get called for domestic violence then somebody is getting arrested and taken away. It was that way in GA[/quote] Same here- that’s how it happened. My biggest regret was not pursuing a Baker Act when she was locked up and if I knew now, what i didn’t kno...
[quote]Psychotic break- and family history? Drugs- she was owing people and she wanted to take the kids bc she knew who to look for, and explains why she doesn’t want you around her bags/vehicle. Drugs or paraphernalia is there. P.S. we ain’t talking about weed. Cheating- that is always an option.[/...
[quote]Reassure her that they don't do that. The main objective should be your family then your finances. Keep your family together the best that you can. The marriage isn't over until you both decide it is, and it doesn't have to be if you can get her to get help. You may think that a divorce would...
[quote]Also, if you can, start the record button on your phone and slip it out of sight. That will definitely clear up the he said/she said stories that both of you have to tell. If legit, this is said. Good Luck.[/quote] Florida is a two party consent state so i can’t do that but i did think abo...
[quote]Do you guys have a church and/or pastor you could go see[/quote] Yes, we had a mediation a few weeks back with one of the lady leaders and a licensed therapist who attends our church/ They recommended mental health therapy but it wasn’t received well- ...
[quote]This is a psychotic episode.[/quote] Yeah, i think this too bc she gets this frenetic energy if i get near her bags/vehicle …it’s kinda comical when I’m not worried about her or the kids ...
[quote]Others have asked, and you never responded, what are the details of the domestic violence arrest? [/quote] Since the late fall- she had been started this paranoia thing- hacked iPhone/ video cameras in our house etc. It started getting increasingly common and so did our arguments - ...
[quote]TigerChick2018I[/quote] Thank you so much! I’ll read this right now I tend to lean towards your thinking actually but damn my mind wants to go wild in imagination trying to figure it all out ...
[quote]First off, I am saddened to hear of this on going struggle. May first thought is always the safety and mental stability of the children. Episodes involving combative parenting is scarring. Are you sure that the youngest is safe? Without hearing her side, I am not going to accept what you say ...
[quote]I've seen this money behavior. It is drugs for self medicating. Drug screen is needed[/quote] A therapist told me that given her age and our social economic status- most likely pills or alcohol…. I can easily see alcohol but with this new behavior of withdrawing money (again this start...
[quote]You mentioned Baker Act, so you must live in Florida. The Baker act process is pretty easy and it’s taken very seriously[/quote] I’ve talked to the person in the sheriff’s department who oversees Baker Act- It is a very simple process - except she does get handcuffed and i probably hav...
[quote]Welcome to menopause[/quote] I think it’s a combination of 4 things- 1) mental break 2) hormone changes 3) emotional trauma 4) spiritual ...