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Registered on:9/27/2007
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No way Swayze is better than the Box. The right field student section thing is far less impressive when you see it in person....
The GOP shows up to a knife fight with a butter knife. The Democrats show up with a machine gun....

re: Sorry to Russia and Ukraine.

Posted by Tall Tiger on 6/1/24 at 3:04 am
Check out the recent CNN piece on the US-provided Abrams tanks that Ukraine is using. It's laughable how useless they are. Not only are we wasting our money on that war, the aid were sending isn't even helping....
Mayor Pete not only isn't going to change that train schedule, he's actively trying to think of ways to make you ride it instead of owning a car....
So she doesn't have to see the apron of flesh hanging over Alvin Bragg's belt....
My senators from ruby red Louisiana will get right on it as soon as they are done sending billions of dollars to Ukraine and voting for Biden's infrastructure bills....
They're going to have Robert DeNiro barking outside their windows tonight while they're trying to sleep....
Hopefully they are using the evidence trying to change the minds of jurors wanting to acquit, meaning there are jurors who want to acquit. Otherwise, if the whole jury is giving this stuff objective consideration after weeks of that trial, that's not good for Trump....
The show on Fox was what he was best at. No disrespect to his long form interviews on his own channel, but he is far less effective doing those. Cases in point: with respect to the groupthink support of Covid vaccines and the U.S. getting involved in the war in Ukraine, he was the only person in...
This is assuming the jury is even going to understand the legal requirements of the FECA claim, or how they can be rolled up into a felony with misdemeanor business records crimes in this convoluted case. To me McCarthy is writing like this is a bench trial and he is predicting what a judge would d...
A state appeals court process that could take a year or more when the election is in November? If there's a conviction the Scotus will, correctly, immediately grant writs and take it up in record time like in Bush v. Gore. This is what a supreme court is really for. It's not a routine errors co...
Certainly there are enforcement obstacles, but the NGOs getting the illegal immigrants into the interior of the country are not going to be able to send them to states that have laws like this, meaning blue states will get even more of the immigrants. So decreasing illegal immigration populations i...
Could have bought several mega yachts and Italian villas for the Ukrainian oligarchs who are taking the aid....
Two observations: 1) Biden is hemorrhaging young voters and non white voters. Robert DeNiro, an old white guy, is not going to help with those demographics. The wine and cheese New York Times-reading crowd to which he appeals is not the problem. 2) DeNiro is a great actor but like anyone who...

re: Stop being scared of Wofford

Posted by Tall Tiger on 5/27/24 at 9:29 pm
I am a man of the old Southern Conference. Fear not the Terriers. They are but pups....
The Biden immigration crisis reminds me of the 1979 movie Alien. We are the cargo ship crew being forced to take onboard an alien who is probably dangerous and who probably wants to kill us in some horrifying fashion. The Biden administration is the Company ramming the plan through at the peril of...
This is what happens when you take a low information bartender and make her a U.S. representative....
Kiss this country goodbye if they ever get the votes for that. And I'm not just talking about the Democrats. Plenty of Republicans in DC would like to see it happen too, even though it would effectively be an execution of the GOP as a meaningful party....