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re: Federalist paper 84; Are prophets

Posted by Timeoday on 6/2/24 at 10:29 am
[quote]Misdemeanors barred by SOL tied to a Fed crime that would have occured after the election was won. No wonder the criminal defense bar is cringing at this trial.[/quote] Bingo!!...
[quote]So, what standard are we on now?[/quote] How about a "basket of currencies"? Now look at the controlling demographic regarding the Rothschild "Federal Reserves" and ask yourself why they are working so hard to take Russia out. Remember, RUSSIA has insane numbers, far more than any other...
[quote]WHAT THE frick HAPPENS?[/quote] Money, of any kind, must be able to be exchanged for a particular standard, i.e., gold. Labor can not be taxed since it is simply an exchange! Start there....
[quote]So. Reflect a bit. Who does that sound like?[/quote] Are you saying the deceased Billy Graham was a fascist? :lol: :lol:...
[quote]Yet MSM and democrats act like they did something here. What a shitshow this country has become[/quote] If one listens to the Lying Media (MSM), then YES!!...
[quote]Color me shocked if he doesn't beat the unpopular incumbent Ted Cruz in November.[/quote] When you think about it what has Cruz done while in Washington? He loves his oratory from the Senate committees that investigate but do not ever cause "pain" for the investigated!! Remove all Ivy L...
[quote]Or so they think. Teflon Don will emerge from this even stronger.[/quote] Exactly. Which is why POTUS Trump is not worried at all of the "exposure" the unconstitutional lawfare is generating. In the very least it is teaching civics to a lot of ignorants in the world....
I do not get the argument. People want to see the very best result when the invest their money and especially their time. Women will not ever provide the best result yet, for some reason, men who do are expexted to sacrifice their income due to the inability of the woman. Frig' That NONSENSE!!...
So this opens the door for anyone who has or wants to have a negative claim against a prominent player whether true or untrue. If that prominent player decides to just silence the claim with a payoff because $130K is "chump change" to that player, a felony has been committed, which prevents you from...
If he can not carry a gun, who is going to carry or enter the codes to the nuclear football when POTUS Trump is re-elected in November 2024? I mean, if he can not carry a shotgun, can he declare war?...
[quote]Can y'all stop that?[/quote] To work in government one must be a goober. We just calling it like we see it!!...
[quote]America's most insane occupational licensing law is about to get a whole lot better. Louisiana is the only state in the country that requires florists to be licensed by the government. A bill that is now on the way to Gov. Jeff Landry's desk sadly won't change that fact, but it will elimin...
It is extremely dangerous to say the trial was not rigged....
Valentina Gomez knows how to change the direction of America. She gets it completely!! [link=(https://x.com/ValentinaForSOS/status/1795982697015255096?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1795982697015255096%7Ctwgr%5E8e059b41d8cf95f0d5d180cd8a1b91b9f7131d1c%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=h...
[quote]We know there was another crime related to these transactions because Michael Cohen pled guilty to it and served time for it.[/quote] So if another person who does not like you pleads guilty to a crime, you can be found guilty because your transactions are related to the crime the person w...
Faster than Joe Biden took a shower with his 11 year old daughter!!...

re: Trump just came down escalator

Posted by Timeoday on 5/31/24 at 10:51 am
[quote]This douche even brought up "grab em by the pussy" again YESTERDAY![/quote] Did he really say he was gonna grab Judge Merchan by the pussy?...
You DAMN right she's right. It is the only way to shut this nonsense down. Ken Paxton, can you hear us!!...