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1. Trump was using the assassination of a political opponent concept as an extreme example of what his immunity powers would have allowed him to do. Not that he would do it because obviously he never attempted anything like it when he was president. And he would not do it because this is the USA, no...
[link=(https://www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english/lawfare)]Collins Dictionary[/link] [link=(https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/lawfare)]Cambridge Dictionary[/link] [link=(https://www.dictionary.com/browse/lawfare)]Dictionary.com[/link] ...

re: Trump just came down escalator

Posted by Nurbis on 5/31/24 at 11:19 am
[quote]Lol wut? Trump uses a teleprompter.[/quote] Trump wasn't using one in the speech he gave earlier today. Biden can't do that. Biden can't do it with a teleprompter. ...
[quote]To the outside world, though, this is the election choice we face.[/quote] Alexei Navalny was a convicted felon as well. He was convicted of fraud and extremism. Sounds familiar. I will vote for Trump without any reservations. ...
Do people believe Hunter Biden wasn't banging his SIL before Beau died? Beau's kid is probably really Hunter's kid which is why Hunter liked being "inappropriate" with her so much. Like father like son. ...

re: Trump just came down escalator

Posted by Nurbis on 5/31/24 at 10:44 am
[quote]Now his speeches will be long boring rants[/quote] Long boring rants without the need for a teleprompter, stutters, garbled mispronunciations, and long pauses because his brain stops functioning. The current president can't do any of that. ...
The leftwing MSM and shows like The View using Trump and his supporters as their primary subject content for the past 9 years. ...
[quote]Trump paid off a hooker and filed it falsely as "legal fees". Clinton hired a law firm to do work and paid them. These aren't the same things.[/quote] You are wrong. Clinton had to pay a civil fine but was not charged with a felony like Trump was. From AP: The Clinton campaign hired...
That isn't even the worst of it for Clinton. She paid for the Steele Dossier through Perkins Coie, listed it as legal fees, and did so specifically to use it to sway the election. She committed the same crime Trump was charged with, at the same time, with the same intent, and in the same state b...
[quote]Once again another false narrative. Can someone please explain what we’re seeing in this pic?[/quote] From the Daily Mail: The permit for the rally in the outer borough park [b]only allowed for 3,500 to attend. [/b] [b]But many of the supporters[/b] who showed up for a chance to see...

re: School Attendance Policies

Posted by Nurbis on 5/23/24 at 10:46 am
[quote]My kids get 10 unexcused absences.[/quote] That's what it was when I was in high school. If you went over you failed the class regardless of your grade. My senior year I was warned I had 12 unexcused absences and needed to get a doctor's note for two of them which I did. ...
From Daily Mail: [b]He then took control of the grip, appeared to shut off the safety and pointed the gun to his head before saying 'f*** y'all n****s' and pulling the trigger. [/b] How does a person purposely point a loaded gun at their head, click off the safety, and then shoot themself, and th...

re: Job recovery data for each state

Posted by Nurbis on 5/22/24 at 8:38 am
[quote]Honestly it looks pretty split between red and blue states.[/quote] The top 20 are 16 red states and 4 blue states. The bottom 20 are 14 blue states and 6 red states. So, no, unless you meant split as in red states at the top and blue states at the bottom. ...
[quote]And what the hell was Biden doing in Detroit during this time.[/quote] If it was 2020, he was likely campaigning. But his mind is so cracked that he can't remember the difference between a 2020 campaign event and a visit as VP from years earlier. ...
Thought for sure this would be a Pelosi video. ...

re: Biden less than a week apart

Posted by Nurbis on 5/19/24 at 11:57 am
The video on the right is from 2022 so it isn't a week apart. Either way, my guess is the one on the right, he was heavily drugged and the one on the left was "natural" but needed several jump cuts. The one on the right is a 20-second video and he doesn't blink once. The average person blinks...
We have four years of both as president for comparison. What is the point of a debate? If you don't have enough information at this point to make an informed decision on who is better at the job, you probably should not be voting in the first place. ...
The biggest issue is that the bar is so low for Biden, that anything remotely close to competent will be a victory even if he loses the actual debate. Look at how the media tried using the SoTU to say he was fine even though he struggled with that. Any mistakes Trump makes will be compared as be...
From that statement, Trump did not want her to be paid at all. Cohen said Trump's statement was if he won, the story wasn't relevant, and if he lost, he did not care anyway. Ultimately, she was paid before the election against Trump's wishes....

re: Chicago has fallen

Posted by Nurbis on 5/12/24 at 12:16 pm
[quote]If you looked up the Hamas flag, as you said you did, why are you asking me to post it? Why don’t you do so?[/quote] What flag is on these Hamas terrorists chests? This picture is from Reuters with the following caption: Palestinian Hamas militants take part in a rally marking the 31st ...