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Registered on:12/12/2019
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The original is the best. Three and Four go back and forth as my favorite; it’s too close to call. ...
I had two before the age of 10, but none since. ...
She used 3 cliches/buzz terms in only four sentences....
Daly’s got bigger titties than this broad....
[quote] i guarantee Trump has read this board before too. [/quote] What are the chances Trump knows what a "New Iberia Haircut" is?...

re: Need help identifying a band

Posted by Hoodie on 5/30/24 at 9:26 am
Who was it, and what was the song? I love some good sax......
Indeed. Alice's Facelift album is heavy as hell. As mentioned earlier, my hair metal brother had the cassette in heavy rotation in his IROC Z-28. That makes it metal....
I still contend that a white Southern boy could function far better at a black bar-b-q than any Ivy-League educated liberal could. You can bet the house on that....
Though they were neither hair metal nor grunge, did Metallica's black album go a good way toward bridging the gap? It did huge business just as Nirvana's "Nevermind" was released... ...
[quote]But Alice In Chains is the transition [/quote] Very much so. My older brother, who grew-up in the 80s and loved hair metal, took a liking to Alice in Chains, who were the only grunge band he can tolerate to this day. He loved Jerry Cantrell's riffs, which are just too heavy to be den...
Does DeNiro have any idea what it's really like out there? Does he ever leave the studio?...
I see, thanks. My handler doesn't have an internal filter rack. Having a filter at the furnace AND at the grills would be "double filtering," as I've read. ...
Aside from the main 20x20x1 vent in the wall, there is a vent on the closet door that houses my AC unit. This vent should have a filter too, correct? I ask because in researching the matter, I've seen some folks say it doesn't. ...
With the dog days of Summer sort of upon us already, what's the MERV level of the air filters for your home's AC? I was using an 11 level filter geared toward eliminating allergens and odors, but noticed when the temperatures outside got above 90 degrees yesterday, the AC struggled to keep the pa...
I agree, SlowFlowPro. We're talking about a movie made over 40 years ago on a shoestring budget about a guy in a mask with mommy issues who kills teenagers at a summer camp. There's not a lot of layers there. This ain't Shakespeare. Enough already....
I’ll give word to her, courtesy of Vanilla Ice....