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re: Whitney Cummings- Biloxi

Posted by Limitlesstigers on 6/1/24 at 10:43 am
[quote]she's pretty damn hot as well ? [/quote] No she isn't....
[quote]you obviously have missed quite a bit[/quote] Maybe so, I have a life outside this website....
I've been on this site since 2011 and only one person has done it....
Women aren't as logical as men for the first day when something like this happens. Give her a day or two. Whatever you do, do not move back to Louisiana without a job. I did that and it took me about 6 months to find something else in my field....
[quote]Anyone ever find themselves in a similar situation?[/quote] Yes, meet my wife and got married in DFW area and had our kids. First few years were easy because she stayed at home. Childcare costs were ridulous. Decided to move to Lafayette. It's not bad and my mom helps out a lot but my ...
I don't agree but we should definitely allow insurance companies and Medicare/Medicaid to charge them more. A healthy person who made all the right personal choices shouldn't have to subsidize a low IQ fatty....
The libs were turning the frogs gay and now they're creating hunchback gators?...
[quote]for you and Scruffy - yes it is!! [/quote] No it isn't. Even it were true, society in general is harder on men. Touch grass, you're on this site way too much....
[quote]this isn’t even true - do you work with kids at all? Most boys are catered to and get every single material thing that they want[/quote] This isn't remotely true at all....
[quote]wondering when the one of the majors will enter the Haynesville[/quote] Not anytime soon, imo....
I wouldn't have dated her in the first place, imo. A single mom with a loser ex is a huge red flag. Most women with backgrounds like that tend to be trashy, low IQ, or low impulse control....

re: Louisiana talent is very meh

Posted by Limitlesstigers on 5/28/24 at 9:42 pm
[quote]big ole San Antonio women[/quote][img]https://i.gifer.com/origin/a4/a4042ae58ff4f5123651cb25b807c33f_w200.gif[/img]...

re: Louisiana talent is very meh

Posted by Limitlesstigers on 5/28/24 at 9:39 pm
[quote]good looking Cajun woman in Lafayette can rival anywhere in the world. [/quote] Before they hit 30. Unless they're rich, it seems like every girl around here gains at least 30 pounds after their 1st kid. I blame boudin and Michelob....

re: Louisiana talent is very meh

Posted by Limitlesstigers on 5/28/24 at 9:36 pm
Houston, Dallas, Austin (not those big oke San Antonio women though) have some real talent. East Texas and the Valley is a hit or a miss....
[quote]You had 17 years to raise her and hopefully she doesn't frick her life up, but you ain't winning this war.[/quote] He'll win, just say "no", it's that easy. In a few years when she's graduated college and isn't a single mom, she'll be grateful her parents said "no."...
[quote]she's a perfect example of the problem. she's a rabid moron who thinks she's smart. she's effing clueless and some man has to do with the consequences of her being in the dating pool.[/quote] She had a couple of good points I think (literally not figuratively). At least she's aware of some of...
I would of just responded "k", women love that shite....
Back in my day when we had a Republican president, immigrants from Mexico CAME here....
McDonald's deserves to die anyway....