Favorite team:LSU 
Biography:I'm a dad, I am currently 32 years old, and searching for the fountain of youth... Well I just looked and it wasn't there, so nevermind on the fountain of youth. I love talking sports, and I enjoy the occasional political debate.
Interests:All things LSU, drums, guitar, shooting pool and other random things that aren't worth listing.
Number of Posts:5973
Registered on:11/1/2018
Online Status:Not Online

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re: MLB.com blurb about Skenes

Posted by Metaloctopus on 6/2/24 at 6:55 am
[quote]They weren’t very many doubters. What I remember is that many grouped Skenes in with three other guys as the best amateur pitching prospects in the MLB Draft era (1965 - present). Skenes, Strasburg, Prior, and McDonald. That was the list. [/quote] I didn't say there were many. But there we...

re: We won’t but,

Posted by Metaloctopus on 6/2/24 at 3:55 am
[quote]I would start Kade Anderson vs Wafford and save Ackenhausen/ Hurd/ herring for North Carolina. I get it you have to win first but waffords pitching left is absolutely atrocious. If we can’t run up the score in that game then we shouldn’t be in the championship anyway[/quote] I don't dis...

re: MLB.com blurb about Skenes

Posted by Metaloctopus on 6/2/24 at 3:40 am
I wish I knew the names of those scouts who were saying they had doubts as to whether his stuff would translate to the next level. Not merely questions, as such exists with anyone until they've done anything at the next level, but actual doubts. Like he was somehow too good to be true, so he must be...
[quote]It doesn’t say you have to be in the middle of the bag so not sure why you keep repeating it. His left foot is well outside of the bag and never touches it, so by definition is not between the bases.[/quote] I'm bringing it up for the exact reason that you just admitted: "It doesn’t say yo...
[quote]Apparently not. Read #2, definition of “directly into a base” then look at his left foot.[/quote] You might want to look closer at #2. It says straight line "between the bases". Does that say you have to roll your body into corn dog and be in the middle of the bag? I don't see that. There ...
I know the definition, I just read it again with your post, and there is still no interference. In line with the bag does not mean middle of the bag. It just means in line with the bag. Do you know how almost impossible it is to not have some part of your body sagging to one side of the bag? If that...
[quote]That ump was obviousy predisposed to hurt LSU any way he could. He should be called out and fired from ever working again. Once bad call is one thing, but two in two games against the same team is just not coincidental imho.[/quote] Was he the same guy from the South Carolina game? Is that...
[quote]Stop, he’s trolling you[/quote] I know he's trolling, but he's also serious about thinking that common decency ruins the sport. People who troll others on message boards are just these types of people who think this way. I just get a little tired of it, my friend. Days like today try my...
[quote]Who reviewed it?[/quote] All off them, I guess, along with whoever they are talking to on their headset. They all got it wrong, to protect the feelings of the guy who blew the call....
[quote]But unlike the one last week this one was actually correct by definition of the rule.[/quote] There is no definition that says the runner can't slide directly into the bag, which is exactly what he did. They tried to interpret it as saying because one of his legs wasn't constantly in line ...
That umpire in our game should not work another regional game this year. He showed a lack of basic integrity to make such an incredibly bad call, and then STILL not reverse it on review. It wasn't questionable, it was just flat out a made up call on a perfectly legal slide. Frankly, everyone invo...
[quote]Lighten up, Francis[/quote] Did I say something that was inaccurate? Maybe take your own advice....
[quote]You millennials have ruined sports[/quote] I'm not a millennial, and your comment makes zero sense, because it is the millennials, themselves, who largely are the one's acting like what I described. You think millennials care about class or respect? They yell in people's faces, but then...
[quote]People like you are the reason nobody ever gets hit with a piss balloon anymore. [/quote] Yeah, shame on me. I want people to act like decent human beings, and the first thought that comes to your mind is that you don't get to throw pee pee at people. Could you enjoy a game by cheering ...
There's no reason for anyone to be a jerk, ever. My focus during a game is always on my team, and not getting into with other fans. When people get my order wrong, I don't assume they did it on purpose. And so on... Many people now believe it's cool to act like a jerk. When players show boat over...
And White's double play, and Larson's drop, and multiple players missing opportunities to drive in runs. Even when Jones walked in the 7th, there was a sequence where he swung at a 2-0 dirt ball, and then took a hanging slider in the middle of the plate on the very next pitch. That ball should ha...

re: Pitching Plan To Win Regional

Posted by Metaloctopus on 6/1/24 at 7:55 pm
There isn't any real plan to have. Herring and Guidry, and sometimes Ackenhausen are the only guys you can really trust at all. They cannot win three games by themselves. So it makes little difference to me who pitches when, as they'll all have to pitch to get through it, and that doesn't look real ...
I'm not buying this nonsense. When you blow that many chances to score, and when you drop an easy catch, leading to two runs, I don't want to hear how "good" North Carolina is. They didn't get here with pitching. That wasn't Tennessee or Arkansas out there, shutting down our bats again. That was a g...

re: Pearson in 4 hole

Posted by Metaloctopus on 6/1/24 at 8:07 am
[quote]You are spot on. Not sure what Pearson’s RISP is now, but it was below .180 not that long ago. He’s had some clutch moments, but he’s had plenty of forgettable moments too. If having a few big swings throughout a 3 year career supersedes your overall production, it’s still hard to justify the...

re: Pearson in 4 hole

Posted by Metaloctopus on 6/1/24 at 7:56 am
[quote]You bat Pearson 4th knowing if he comes up in a big spot in the late innings, he’s probably going to find a way. It’s unexplainable. [/quote] People say this, but I don't find that it's actually happening very frequently this year. And that's not to rag on him, it's just an observation. ...