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Registered on:9/24/2018
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If they don't acknowledge it happened, then it doesn't matter....
Pre-programmed rest breaks for the Potato. ...
Yes at hire, then continuously at random selection/lottery regardless if on Fed contract or not....
[quote]She looks better now than she did 15 years ago[/quote] The butch haircut sucked rocks, now that it's grown back out she needs to leave it that way!...
[quote]suppose you wake up in the morning and it’s not raining, but the streets are wet and people are wearing raincoats and holding umbrellas. Under those circumstances you may conclude that it rained during the night[/quote] Under those circumstances you may conclude that it's Trump's fault and...
I've had this never ending urge to jump over gators, snakes, ponds, logs and scorpions since the 80's.. can I sue Activision too?? [img]https://imgs.search.brave.com/WwtnnMN45jSdj712j4a4Ok_zGqW8osR9DN1BEljPqQw/rs:fit:860:0:0/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9pLnBp/bmltZy5jb20vb3Jp/Z2luYWxzLzI2LzQy/LzhlLzI2NDI4ZWRl...
[quote]Yeah I joined the military. We made it work.[/quote] Every 3 to 5 years, new states or even countries....
[quote]A synthetic rubber manufacturer accused of increasing the cancer risk for the nearby majority-Black community[/quote] Want to take bets on which nearby 'community' will be severely financially impacted by a shut down of any sort? Then they will have something else to bitch about. ...
More gov't obfuscation by the Landry Admin... color me surprised. Laws stating arbitrary distances have been overturned time and time again. Expect more taxes being spent trying to defend this one too. ...
[quote]Each State gets two new busses.[/quote] But each state must provide their own charging facilities for the buses... which will never happen....
how many people will act surprised when they ignore orders from the courts.... again...... still....
[quote]Shoot her [/quote] In Calif. you will face a stack of charges for protecting your loved ones from felonies, possessing a firearm in a gun free state, etc........ Not that consequences wouldn't be well worth it, just plead guilty or no contest to all charges to avoid having to bankrup...
Why bother taxing it, just keep raising the minimum wage for fast food workers.... it has the same effect, and some of that 'raise' will got to Feds to piss away, and some to the state (so they can piss it away). ...
Texas need to keep the flow of buses rolling. Should be one continuous stream of taillights from Texas to Illinois. ...
[quote]How the frick is this bull shite even allowed to happen? This whole damn thing is a clown show.[/quote] Sadly, it has to be allowed to play out before it can be overturned. Not that those responsible for this shitshow will be held to account for it, nor can anyone effected be made whole for...
[quote]I’m done with us protecting people who would buy and abuse our children[/quote] Now impress us all, stand up, start naming names and bring those people to justice............... just grandstanding, never going to happen....

re: Why does mayo need refrigerated?

Posted by dakarx on 5/29/24 at 2:14 pm
You want salmonella, cause this is how you get salmonella....

re: I expect a guilty verdict.

Posted by dakarx on 5/29/24 at 12:42 pm
Wouldn't be surprised. Can NY judges set aside jury verdicts and impose their own ruling? That would be entertaining....
Such a shitty thing for the NORKs to do....