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Well IMO it depends on what Atlanta would want in a BI trade, as I don’t think they would want to keep Ingram. Say Atlanta says instead of Ingram they would prefer a heavy draft pick package with a young player, we could then go to Philly and get Reed and their 4 tradeable 1sts. Take Reed and ...
[quote]IMO, if you get Trae you have to trade CJ in some sort of deal that brings in a rim protecting center.[/quote] You don’t have to, you can bring CJ off the bench as a super 6th man. Ingram, Nance and Dyson works salary wise for Trae and Allen....
[quote]His contract would also be a huge hit to us. It would mean you’d have to go very cheap at center. [/quote] This is simply not true at all We could do a Trae trade and still trade for Jarret Allen...
I think you’re misunderstanding what I said when I’m talking about 1,2,3 roles. 1st star, 2nd star, 3rd star Ideally you would hope Trey can develop into that 2nd star, but it’s unlikely. We need to trade for that 2nd star, and that’s not Murray either....
Murray is more of a 3 not a 2 If Trey can develop into that 2, which is unlikely, then sure Murray would be a good get for us, but I would much prefer Zion as the 1 with Trae as the 2 and Trey as the 3 Ensuring we get a legitimate high level all pro type talent next to Zion takes a whole bunch...
[quote]Trae Young or Dejounte Murray to be that number 2.[/quote] Ummm, one of those are not like the other...
I know they would prefer Murray over Trae because Murray fits Willie’s coaching style better, but they should say frick Willie and get the better talent ...
[quote]s no to a Trey/Capela for BI/CJ swap as the main pieces?[/quote] Atlanta as well as Griff, we would have to use CJ to go get young pieces they would want. I don’t see Griff trading BI and CJ in the same offseason though...
There has been conflicting reports so far, some reports are saying they are going to rebuild, other sources say they are open to trading the #1 pick for a star to pair with Trae, and other reports are saying they’re excited about pairing Sarr with Trae...
[quote]I’d rather send 3 more firsts than Herb[/quote] Yes me to as noted in the 2,346 times I have said it in this exact thread but for some reason yall cannot grasp that. [quote]We have to pair Herb with Trae for the trade to make sense.[/quote] We wouldn’t be pairing Trae with Herb, the appeal...
[quote]Very little would separate him from Luka.[/quote] And then we would be discussing what else we have to add to a BI, Herb, Trey and 5 1sts package to pair him with Zion....
[quote]Without Herb, we wouldn't have a plus defender to put by Trae[/quote] Hypothetically lets say the deal lands Trae for BI and Herb, no picks. We can then expand the trade before it’s final and send Larry with 2 1sts to Cleveland for Allen. There’s your plus defender in the starting 5. [quote...
[quote]There is no maybe, and the step back would be to the bottom of the league [/quote] Not even close. One player does not take a team from the worst defense in the league into top 5. Besides we would still have all world defender and good offensive guy (according to some) Dyson Daniels on ...
[quote]Why don’t you tell the class what Kyrie got traded for recently.[/quote] The Kyrie trade has no bearing whatsoever on what Trae will fetch in a deal. 1) Joe Tsai was absolutely hell bent that he was not trading Kyrie to the Lakers who offered Reaves and both of their tradeable 1sts with swa...
Bruh, THIS [quote]Like I’ve told you guys multiple times, i would try every avenue available to not move Herb in the deal even if it means I give up Dyson and 2-3 picks[/quote] Does not even remotely equal this [quote]you seem hellbent that Herb has to be traded.[/quote] [quote]We may very well h...

re: The Official Trade Proposal Thread

Posted by Soggymoss on 5/31/24 at 8:07 pm
[quote]You way over-value Trae[/quote] No, you just way under value him. [quote]He only fits with Zion with Herb and Trey[/quote] Ummm, this is not true in the slightest bit. You could trade Herb in the deal and maybe you take a step back defensively, but you took 3 steps forward offensively. Tra...

re: The Official Trade Proposal Thread

Posted by Soggymoss on 5/31/24 at 7:44 pm
[quote]Then you walk away and wish them luck. And work on other offers.[/quote] There will not be any other players available this offseason that’s better than Trae, and if there are then you DEFINITELY are giving up Ingram and Herb along with picks to get them. [quote]Traes value to me is his fit...

re: The Official Trade Proposal Thread

Posted by Soggymoss on 5/31/24 at 6:17 pm
[quote]I would trade several 1sts before even thinking of trading Herb[/quote] That’s not up to you to decide. If Atlanta says BI and Herb or no deal at all, then you have to trade Herb. Would I rather send two firsts instead of Herb? Absolutely, but Atlanta may not want the picks and may prefe...

re: The Official Trade Proposal Thread

Posted by Soggymoss on 5/31/24 at 4:56 pm
[quote]I don’t think DD is gonna make or break us getting Trae[/quote] Atlanta will want at least one young player in that deal, I wouldn’t send Hawk because he fits like a glove with Zion, Trey I’m not trading for obvious reasons, and Herb I would trade only if I absolutely had to, but absolutely ...

re: The Official Trade Proposal Thread

Posted by Soggymoss on 5/31/24 at 4:43 pm
[quote]No but you have tried throwing him in a bunch of your trades for players that don’t move the needle[/quote] Nearly every trade I’ve proposed has Trae Young coming back If that’s not a needle moving move, then I don’t know what you think is. You’re acting like Dyson is a high level 6th-...