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[quote]Even if you believe the trial was not handled properly by the judge, the reality is that there was enough evidence for the prosecutor to go forward with the indictment without worry of being disbarred[/quote] Who is going to disbar him? The left wing bar association? [quote]there was e...
[quote]The only time it ever became about slavery was at Gettysburg when Lincoln finally gave a reason for invasion to sure up waning support for the war in the North. You should read the cornerstone speech by Alexander Stephens, Vice President of the Confederacy. Stephens was pretty clear...
[quote]Liberals choose their positions on what will get them votes.[/quote] Trump has never been anti-gay. So by your logic, Trump isn't a liberal. Trump's been pretty consistent going back to the 80s, but don't let that interfere with your mental breakdown. ...
[quote]It's pretty much impossible for an audit for a straight W2/standard deduction return to be anything more than turning over the W2[/quote] The Biden administration has done a lot things that were "pretty much impossible." I guess you just haven't been paying attention....
[quote]Surely, SURELY, y'all see those things as being the exact same thing. Because. They. Are.[/quote] No, they are not. One is a legal issue, the other moral. Trump is saying it was morally bad for Biden to send in the fbi with kill orders, not that it was illegal. In the court case, they a...
[quote]The crime being concealed was COHEN'S crime of reporting the payment to Daniels as "legal work" rather than a campaign donation to Trump.[/quote] That's not what the DA argued though. You're just making shite up to justify the lawfare....
[quote]Be a good Christian, don't break the law and you have nothing to worry about.[/quote] Exactly. No one has ever been falsely accused of a crime. And the democrats would never use the law to attack political rivals. All those people arrested for Jan 6 that never committed violence or went in...
[quote]Yet I voted for him twice and will vote for him again in November. This is why you lose the moderates because you decide to play high school PE and divide everyone[/quote] So what you’re saying is that moderates like you vote based on emotions. They won't vote for the best option because h...
[quote]These Shiite MAGA's have no frickin' clue about how moderates, Independents, disgruntled liberals or just garden variety Non-Maga conservatives actually see this guy. Not in the slightest.[/quote] I've seen the support Trump gets in NYC and Atlanta. Let me guess, those are MAGA echo chamber...
[quote]Say what you will but the only TRUE Christian POTUS in the past century was Carter.[/quote] And he was terrible. Maybe we should vote on who does the best for the country instead of who is the most righteous. It's almost like running a country requires more skill than being a good person....
[quote]So many of you will excuse Trump for any steps over the line.....awwwww it was all in good faith, I mean the other guys do it and always get away with stuff like that.[/quote] You're willing to overlook a fraudulent election and all the bad things that have happened as a result because you...
[quote]But that is a bit misleading in that it suggests they could rule Trump's treatment to be unconstitutional. The Supreme Court doesn't have that power. They can rule the law Trump was convicted of as unconstitutional. They can rule that a former president can not be tried for crimes committed w...
[quote]It’s a franchised hotel that’s not owned by Disney. They are irrelevant in this.[/quote] If they are a franchised hotel that uses Disney's name, then they are not irrelevant. Franchises have strict rules set by the parent corporation. Disney could prevent this if they wanted to....
[quote]Trump could have stood outside of all of those trials and held press conferences in support of Jan 6 protesters , but he didn't.... [/quote] Yes, Trump should have gone to thousands of trials that would have required the secret service secure the area. The logistics would have been nearly...
[quote]And, yes, I do realize “convicted felon” says a lot more about the weaponization of the judicial system than it does the actual cases. To the outside world, though, this is the election choice we face. [Takes a second and third look at RFK…][/quote] You admit that Trump was railroade...
[quote]The rich and powerful in this country have always had an advantage over the rest of us. They've always used their wealth and influence to frick over those who lack those things. Donald Trump himself is one of those very people. I don't know if this verdict is just. I don't know if it's unj...
[quote]Clinton Bros are fricking weird.[/quote] This would make more sense if Reagan hadn't used the slogan first. Your desperation to attack Trump supporters is noted, though....
[quote]A large percentage of the populace is pissed about the weaponization of the judiciary so Bannon and his crowd are screaming for more weaponization of the judiciary. Makes sense.[/quote] The alternative is to do nothing. That's the favorite approach of you Republicans. ...
[quote]Found the dumbass who just makes up shite to cloud the judgment of other people trying to genuinely understand factual information.[/quote] What factual information? The judge is making it up as he goes. Here's your factual information: 1. The DA ran on a platform of getting Trump 2....
[quote]Willie Stroker[/quote] You're twisting yourself into a lot of knots to defend a clearly biased judge....