Favorite team:Kansas State 
Location:Topeka, Ks
Biography:There's nothing worth reading if I have to leave out the sordid details.
Interests:golf, pissing off leftists
Occupation:I'm not stupid enough to post anything about my employment on the internet.
Number of Posts:14010
Registered on:7/27/2017
Online Status:Not Online

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He is on News Nation now which is that shite lib channel owned and ran by Dan Abrams who also runs Media-Ite. He is one of those shite libs who claims to be fair and balanced but actually just parrots every establishment narrative there is to parrot. He is phonier than Stormy Daniel's tits.(Talking...
Rubio is too buddy, buddy with the Intel agencies for my taste....
To be fair he can probably catch a ball as well as Kaderious Toney does....

re: Who should be Trump's pick for VP?

Posted by 88Wildcat on 5/31/24 at 7:47 pm
Tulsi, Vivek, Thomas Massie, Rand Paul I don't want to hear any "he needs to balance his ticket with a more established (i.e. RINO) Republican" nonsense from any political operative trying to disguise themselves as a Republican political consultant....
I'd take him for Attorney General in a heartbeat but the only thing he brings to the table as VP is insurance to keep Trump from being Dealey Plazaed. Granted that is not a bad selling point but I think you could find other candidates that would bring the same selling point and something else as we...
How Larry Hogan of him. Even Susan Collins is sounding a little Marjorie Taylor Greeneish today. (Okay, more like Marjorie Taylor Slightly Jaundicely Yellowish, but it is still an improvement.)...
[quote]Get ready for the money people to tell Trump if he picks Haley as VP they’ll make this all go away.[/quote] After this verdict money people are one set of parasites Trump will not need to pay one shite of attention to....
Yeah I am officially done with any moron claiming that there are no differences between the two parties or that ther are not two parties at all, only one uniparty. You want differences let's start with this one. There is not one Republican politician anywhere in the country who is afraid of the ...
The bad news is that the people behind this would rather rule over the ashes of a country than not rule at all. The good news is that the people behind this would rather rule over the ashes of their political party than not rule at all....

re: This Is Spinal Tap.

Posted by 88Wildcat on 5/30/24 at 2:54 am
You can't really dust for vomit. Well I would feel a lot worse if I wasn't so heavily sedated. We've got armadillos in our trousers. It really is quite terrifying. ...
Newsome is not the answer. He almost got recalled in the most left leaning state in the country. People on the left only support him publicly because they know what happens to people on the left who don't support the politicians the power brokers on the left want them to support. Privately (and ...
Official motto of the current Democrat Party. You can have our power when you pry it from our cold dead hands....
[quote]Getting rocked by wind and hail right now. No way we get through this one without broken windows.[/quote] The first storm spotting class I attended one of the slide shows was from a house with aluminum siding that had just gone through a storm with softball sized hail and 90 mph straight l...

re: NHL 2023-2024 Thread

Posted by 88Wildcat on 5/27/24 at 9:29 pm
Turning point of that period might have been the Skinner save on the Marchment breakaway....
[quote]Let's take a look at the impact of modern radar, population increase, and ease of reporting (via more cameras) as it pertains to modern tornado counts compared to the historic record. Of that 149 tornadoes in the record year for Oklahoma (2019) 33 were EFU, 43 were EF0, and 60 were EF1, fo...

re: Bring Us Your Memes Thread

Posted by 88Wildcat on 5/27/24 at 8:24 pm

re: NHL 2023-2024 Thread

Posted by 88Wildcat on 5/27/24 at 8:08 pm
Stars getting away with all kinds of tripping. Two should have been called and another one could have been....

re: NHL 2023-2024 Thread

Posted by 88Wildcat on 5/27/24 at 7:57 pm
Man, I swore the game didn't start until 8 central since it was in Edmonton....

re: Favorite mystery/suspense film?

Posted by 88Wildcat on 5/27/24 at 7:50 pm
I think it is looked upon more as a satire about the movie industry than it is as a suspense film but The Stunt Man really makes you ask yourself if you are sure you are really seeing what you think you are seeing and leaves you with no idea how it is going to end until it does end....
The only kind of jamming Blinken is good at....