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Location:Westside Bodymore Yo
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Registered on:9/25/2016
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re: Random thought on a rainy day

Posted by Obtuse1 on 6/2/24 at 8:55 am
[quote]"the devil beating his wife"[/quote] I always heard this referring to a shower in the daytime with no visible clouds. The rain was supposed to be her tears....
[quote]Usual Suspect[/quote] [quote]Col Mustard in the library with the candlestick[/quote] That is a pretty clumsy way to throw us off the scent....

re: Anything good to do in Bogalusa ?

Posted by Obtuse1 on 6/2/24 at 12:07 am
[quote]Anything good to do in Bogalusa[/quote] I hear the meth is the best of all the Florida parishes which is like saying the best wine in Bordeaux....
Ryan McBeth put out an interesting video on the MIC earlier today: [embed]https://youtu.be/C2gIId1dpDs[/embed] ...
[quote]I’ve never used them prior to today. The reason I looked and found them was I was glad other had them on. Otherwise, I could not see them in front of me.[/quote] It is illegal in maybe half the states to use hazards while the car is moving. I happened to be driving in Dallas Thursday duri...
[quote]but I agree they should pay a "fat tax"[/quote] IMO it should be within the health insurance industry even within a group. I have a partner that has been in the same firm with me for over three decades. He is a smoker and has been morbidly obese since we both started. He pays the same f...
I don't know how to put this but I'm kinda a big deal...people know me...I'm very important I have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany. Scotch scotchy scotch scotch and some lemon cookies. ...
[quote]What does full privileges to start threads mean though? Was a limit put on his acct due to over abuse?[/quote] The last time he was unbanned the mod(s) told him he couldn't start threads mainly because he started one for every thought that came into his head. It isn't a function of the fo...
[quote] My bill for back surgery was over 100,000. I don't remember how it all broke down.[/quote] The total bill on a CAB* will top $200k but the surgeon sees a tiny fraction of that. My wife does 10-12 procedures a week if she averaged realizing $10k a procedure that would be over $5 milli...
[quote]ETA: doctor's definitely make more on average imo. They can make 5 sometimes 6 figures on a single surgery.[/quote] WTF procedures are those? My wife, a CT surgeon, damn near laughed herself silly when I repeated that. She noted total physician related billing for something like a heart ...
I have a thing for vintage clothes but can't really wear them now. On a younger person it is clear they made a conscious choice to wear vintage clothes, now on me it just looks like a guy that couldn't be bothered to buy new clothes since high school. ...
[quote]As for the $1.4 million, maybe it depends how you define Biglaw. [/quote] AFAIK there is no hard definition of Biglaw, I personally consider it to be the AM100 firms but there are other definitions. The 1.4m PPEP comes from AM100 but keep in mind it is an average and shops like Craveth, K...
[quote]I do, and it's awesome. I've hurt someone's fee fee's so bad they've followed me around for years. That's some pretty hurt feelings[/quote] If you post on tOT for more than a few months and don't garner at least one chronic DVer you are doing it wrong. BTW I will be my first DV for th...
[quote]How important is location for a data center?[/quote] I know the proximity to Wall Street the Northern NJ data centers had was paramount back in the height of high-frequency trading. I don't know how important it is now but Chicago has Chicago Board of Trade, Chicago Mercantile Exchang...
[quote]Inquiring minds want to know?[/quote] FYI you are asking an internet transexual what his root's haircut looks like. But you do you. ...
[quote]I always /often UpVote myself when I get 1, so it doest look like I'm actually upvoting myself[/quote] I am sure you aren't the only one that does that. Back when OweO had full privileges to start threads I would often see he had 50+ DVs and no UVs so I would UV him to make it look like...
[quote]How much we talking here?[/quote] Attorneys likely have the greatest disparity in compensation of any professional degree by a long shot. At the top end, you have Biglaw equity partners that average $1.4 million with some breaking into 8 figures and you see similar high comp at the up...
[quote]Went to grocery store, left with 4 1-pound packs of ground turkey, loaf of daves bread, parmesan cheese, and a 10 count pack of k-cups and total was $55[/quote] I am fascinated how poorly people shop and then complain about prices. I am not saying things cost more but if you are bothered ...
[quote]I use that phrase regularly and people look at me like I'm stupid[/quote] U think it is that or your basic unkempt nature and the odor of dickcheese wafting around you? :lol:...

re: Anybody got a spare boat in DFW?

Posted by Obtuse1 on 5/31/24 at 12:17 am
It could have been me, no wait it was me. I was headed out of Dallas at about that exact time, I was driving along in the wake of an 18 wheeler. ...