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re: Posobiec goes off on DeSantis

Posted by RammerJammer91 on 5/31/24 at 10:05 am
[quote]Yet they are trying to arrest Trump instead of you know - campaigning and debating him in a fair election. Shows how scared they are. Rick Wilson is not a serious person.[/quote] They wanted Trump to win the primary because he has some pretty big limitations with a General Electorate. In 2...

re: Posobiec goes off on DeSantis

Posted by RammerJammer91 on 5/31/24 at 10:00 am
[quote]MAGA is the softest faction in American politics today.[/quote] They're liberals and moderates who view politics like WWE. They just want to be entertained. They hate conservative policies and actual conservative politicians like DeSantis, Kemp, Reynolds, and Youngkin. Meanwhile, they love...

re: Posobiec goes off on DeSantis

Posted by RammerJammer91 on 5/31/24 at 9:55 am
[quote]Democrats set this up perfectly. Every time Trump got indicted his popularity with primary voters rose, and swing voters plummeted. Just like how for years Democrats told republicans "y'all need to nominate more moderates!" And primary voters fell for that, and we got McCain and Romney. [/qu...

re: Posobiec goes off on DeSantis

Posted by RammerJammer91 on 5/31/24 at 9:24 am
[quote]They aren’t. Posobiec is pointing out the obvious. [/quote] Posobiec, Kirk, Loomer, Julie Kelly, and numerous others with large followings have been doing this for months. Chris LaCivita, Trump's Senior Advisor, who worked for GWB and is one of Paul Ryan's best friends, has done so on ...

re: Posobiec goes off on DeSantis

Posted by RammerJammer91 on 5/31/24 at 9:22 am
[quote]This thread is a micro chasm of why Republicans can never get shite done. [/quote] The blame goes to GOP primary voters and caucus goers....

re: Posobiec goes off on DeSantis

Posted by RammerJammer91 on 5/31/24 at 9:16 am
[quote]Playing MMQB about his campaign rhetoric at this time only perpetuates the issues in us winning[/quote] They don't want to win General Elections. If they did, they wouldn't have backed the guy who already lost a General Election to oatmeal brain. They know it's more profitable to lose G...

re: Posobiec goes off on DeSantis

Posted by RammerJammer91 on 5/31/24 at 9:13 am
[quote]Oh go figure. At least Dems have the balls to admit who they’re supporting. You guys are worse than them. [/quote] I don't know who I'm supporting because I don't know if there's an actual conservative who will be on the ballot....

re: Posobiec goes off on DeSantis

Posted by RammerJammer91 on 5/31/24 at 9:09 am
[quote]So who are you voting for? [/quote] Not the liberal (Biden) or the RINO (Trump). Hopefully there's an actual conservative on the ballot....

re: Posobiec goes off on DeSantis

Posted by RammerJammer91 on 5/31/24 at 9:09 am
[quote]The ultimate RINO [/quote] -Bruce Jenner is a woman -Biological men can use women's bathrooms -Cuomo did better than DeSantis on Covid -Newsom did better than DeSantis on Covid -Stacey Abrams would be a better Governor than Brian Kemp -Rejoiced when woke Dem Michael Bennett won re-el...

re: Posobiec goes off on DeSantis

Posted by RammerJammer91 on 5/31/24 at 9:04 am
[quote]You’re dumb asf [/quote] Please refute what I said with facts...

re: Posobiec goes off on DeSantis

Posted by RammerJammer91 on 5/31/24 at 9:03 am
[quote]No they don’t and no they haven’t. [/quote] They've been saying it on their show for months. Posobiec even said they're coming for DeSantis if Trump loses and will ensure that DeSantis can never hold any office again....

re: Posobiec goes off on DeSantis

Posted by RammerJammer91 on 5/31/24 at 9:01 am
[quote]They’re mad Ron didn’t get his turn. [/quote] The only people who said someone (Trump) deserved a turn were MAGA cultists. [quote]They also talk about principle yet ignore how DeSantis said he wouldn’t run, then did, then trashed the base, then came running back.[/quote] Trump litera...

re: Posobiec goes off on DeSantis

Posted by RammerJammer91 on 5/31/24 at 8:58 am
[quote]You bots melt so hard over the smallest of things. Like wearing high heels [/quote] I mean, you care more about personality and attire than implementing conservative policies. Heck, you think that Bruce Jenner is a woman and should use women's bathrooms. You also think Newsom did a better...

re: Posobiec goes off on DeSantis

Posted by RammerJammer91 on 5/31/24 at 8:52 am
[quote] Trump was attacking Ron for months before Ron even declared.[/quote] Yep -DeSantis sexually assaulted/raped a woman -DeSantis possibly sexually assaulted/raped a man -DeSantis groomed college girls -DeSantis possibly sexually assaulted/raped college girls -Newsom did better on Cov...

re: Posobiec goes off on DeSantis

Posted by RammerJammer91 on 5/31/24 at 8:45 am
[quote]He’s right but what does that accomplish other than encourage infighting when we really can’t afford it? [/quote] They want infighting. Jack Posobiec and Charlie Kirk have been laying the groundwork for months to blame Ron if/when Trump loses to Biden....

Posobiec goes off on DeSantis

Posted by RammerJammer91 on 5/31/24 at 8:41 am
[quote]Yeah bro... You're the REAL conservative. [/quote] Correct. I didn't support the guy in the primary who did the following: -Believes that Bruce Jenner is somehow a woman -Said biological men can use women's bathrooms -Said Cuomo handled Covid better than DeSantis -Said Abrams would...
[quote]I'm old enough to remember when a lot of Trump fans wanted RFK as VP. [/quote] Yep. Bannon was creaming his pants every day telling us how great RFK is and called for RFK to be Trump's running mate. Yet another example of how Dems and MAGA are the same....
People are just realizing that this guy is a nut? He said years ago that he wants to jail people who don't share his views on Climate Change. Frick all of the "conservative" media members, who are really RINO's, who pimped this guy. Bannon, Howie Carr, Jack Posobiec, Charlie Kirk, etc. ...
[quote]Yet none of them could even beat Hayley [/quote] It's almost as if General and Primary Electorates are radically different and that there are a certain group of people, let's call them Independents, who tend to not vote in primaries but vote in General Elections. These people live in sub...