Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Kenna, Bra
Number of Posts:188
Registered on:8/17/2006
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[link=(https://youtu.be/aTGDlljjgEc?si=3Np-y0OA53AWQlOm)]Trump Speed Dating Skit[/link]Really!?! Because this is funnier than 99% of anything that SNL has put out in the last 2 years. ...

re: Ever see a movie in concert?

Posted by blade brown on 1/8/24 at 8:00 pm
This was my experience, as well. It’s very cool, but after a while you get into the movie and forget that there’s a live orchestra. Still totally worth it. ...
It’s almost as if who’s throwing the ball matters. ...
Yep. I know her personally and she’s an insufferable count with too much time on her hands. None of this surprises me!!! ...
It’s Ole Miss week. You know what that means. Warning NSFW. [link=(https://youtu.be/awPR0m0EY6o?si=mIOQ_d0-UkcqqSWK)]I F***in’ Hate LSU!!!!![/link]...
I think he’s thinking of Andre Sam….the A.S. initials throw me off, too. ...
Great job & thanks for sharing!!!! But…there’s not 31 days in September. ...
Actual Justice Warrior has been chronicling her shift to the right over the last year on YouTube. It’s been entertaining to watch….but make no mistake, she hasn’t been red-pilled or anything like that. She’s just gone from maniacal socialist to grounded socialist. She was mugged in NYC at some point...

re: LSU Memes!

Posted by blade brown on 5/18/23 at 8:09 am
[img]https://media.tenor.com/NX_riD8vvYAAAAAd/lsu-girl.gif[/img] [img]https://wp.usatodaysports.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/90/2013/11/lsurex3.gif[/img]...
[quote] Am I the only one who saw the video where Dylan is talking to the camera? I gotta admit, that dude is kinda in my wheelhouse. I’ve never had the thoughts that I’m having right now. That dude is girly as frick and so damn pretty. It’s not enough to make me drink Bud Light though. frick that...
I never understood the PJ comparison back in the day. They sounded nothing alike imo…not remotely similar vocal styles/timbre, guitar tone, song writing/structure, drum sound/style, etc. ...

re: Happy 3/11

Posted by blade brown on 3/11/23 at 8:44 am
311 has grassroots ...
She’s got a couple better tunes, but this is the only one that she’s had a chance to record. I got her a MacBook Pro for Christmas. She had been using her iPhone and just recording with the mic. Everything sounded so bad…but had potential!! ...
I hear ya. I just didn’t want to trample all over her song and make it mine lol. Like some else mentioned, it’s kind of a droning song….not that there’s anything wrong with that. In fact, it’s harder imo to make an interesting song, when the music doesn’t have much movement. She def loves Radioh...
She likes a few of them, for sure. I added lyrics to the description on YT. ????...