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Location:The Centennial State
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Registered on:10/12/2014
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So many jealous lesbians out to get her, she needs to start throwing hands. For the first time in history of their shitty league they’re playing in front of large crowds and they hate the chick responsible for it. “You bitch!” [embed]https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=M6LonLuMDTw[/embed]...
Wife is gone tonight, once I put the kids down I will settle in with some edibles and enjoy this immensely ...
[quote]Other than his political views he seems an ok guy.[/quote] It sounds like you’re a beta soy boy cuck who helped Biden win GA ...
I thought Hemsworth was gonna take a long break from acting to hang with family? ...
Stay the course! [img]https://y.yarn.co/c58f593b-11b0-407e-9a63-af8f552f6f5b_text.gif[/img] [img]https://y.yarn.co/73a20ffc-8f1c-4a71-a3e3-326a62a0c1cb_text.gif[/img] [img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/c16VH0CFMh7gOqqXOM/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952slsbtw0t9ef36irkn69nh73iqo9cojd9trurhgti&ep=v1...
frick this show, frick KK, and especially frick Headland ...
Damn sounds just like when Kirby ducked OU ...
[quote]Gorman may or may not have negotiating skills, but definitely not a seasoned guy, so his team gets sent to deal with (what was likely presented as) a nothing-burger. Most likely a faulty communications transmitter or the like, and he has enough firepower in the off-chance that somebody's gone...

re: Horizon- Kevin Costner

Posted by Frac the world on 5/28/24 at 10:09 pm
I’ll be in theaters to see it as soon as I can. Costner, Western, count me in. ...
How stupid is KAD? There’s seriously something wrong with him ...
:lol: [img]https://preview.redd.it/this-happened-by-the-way-like-this-was-a-real-vote-that-v0-e4zxgcv0xv2d1.jpeg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=12cd6aca6190e504f27a2735c497b534c4bf96ad[/img]...
The IMD “did you know” of this film is one of my favorites Cameron, a notorious hard a-hole on set said to the British crew of Pinewood studios at the end "This has been a long and difficult shoot, fraught by many problems," he said. "But the one thing that kept me going, through it all, was...
Pisses me off the Nuggets lost I’m not taking away from the Mavs but it’s all about matchups, I think Nugs would have this series 2-1 right now. That’s not a bitter take, I’m just thinking matchups and we matched up against the Mavs pretty good post trade deadline this year. Hard not to thin...
[quote]Medic Wade in particular seemed over done. His long dialogue about his mother seemed forced. The way they made him die calling for his mother was satire. What made it even worse was that I really liked his character throughout the script.[/quote] I’m gonna disagree with you here. The quiet...
Watch that fricker spend millions on himself when he gets some rare cancer then what will his thought process be. Will he pull the plug on himself and give millions to teachers? ...
[quote]chinhoyang[/quote] [img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/krhW9yWEI0x0Y/200w.gif?cid=6c09b952lg1mybgmsyyigycz2z29yos2ir54dwu6s26df05u&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g[/img]...

re: Bourne films

Posted by Frac the world on 5/27/24 at 12:34 pm
[quote] Nolan shows both sides of this with the Batman franchise. In Batman Begins his fight scenes are highly edited to hide his deficiencies, but then in the next two films you see how he slows things down and films beautifully choreographed fights. He learned and grew as a director.[/quote] ...