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Registered on:1/10/2013
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Gays shouldn’t have rights. They need to be thrown from buildings like the Muslims do. ...
I, for one, am happy that they keep accelerating the collapse of our "democracy" in the name of saving it. I can't wait for American Caesar/Hitler....

re: ECA stack

Posted by Bout_Dat_Lyfe on 5/21/24 at 3:13 pm
I would avoid it for drug tests, I think it's a main ingredient in meth...

Weird Sized Blinds

Posted by Bout_Dat_Lyfe on 5/20/24 at 4:10 pm
I know this is a retarded question, but where/how do I buy blinds for windows that are non-standard measurements. Both my kitchen and bedroom have windows that are weird sizes. ...

Dune Series

Posted by Bout_Dat_Lyfe on 5/2/24 at 8:43 pm
What’s your favorite book in the series? I m currently reading God Emperor and it’s very interesting seeing the Atredies path taken to its logical conclusion. I really like Children of Dune as well. What do y’all think?...
All I can see is a bunch of racists in this thread who can’t admit that the best players in the NBA are white. Gotta give a black guy a participation trophy or a multi million dollar athlete and media will cry about how oppressed he is. ...
See people saying Jokic shouldn’t win again, it should be Shai. They just stole it from him last year to give it to Embid, who lost in the first round. ...
I remember people posting about everyone going to some gay barber. Is that still a thing?...
Conservatives don’t want to go to that degenerate hell hole anyway. ...
[quote]Bingo, he's a dead ringer for those angry pastors who preach nonstop about how gay people are going to hell. Those folks always turn out to be gay. This poster is doing the legit exact same thing, he's obsessed with the subject.[/quote] Idk why you’re mad at me, just stay away from childr...
[quote]Pandy Fackler[/quote] Typical gay Disney adult screen name. Not reading all that shite. ...
[quote]I agree with you that "Disney adults" are weird. I also wouldn't want you anywhere near my kids. So [/quote] I wouldn’t want to be around your kids. They’d probably try to steal from me or beg for money and food. ...
Another creep appears. Someone must’ve put up the bat light for pedos. Disney is fricking weird, everyone knows it...
[quote]LINK / LINK / LINK /[/quote] Nobody has responded nor refuted this yet. ...
All of the ones who go to the parks. Even when they watch the movies. ...
So you admit Disney is full of pedos?...
Disney is full of pedos. Just listen to the weirdos in this post. ...
[quote]I’ve brought my kids to Disney world 4 times - they’ve never been touched or raped by anyone. When we went in 2022 there was a ton more Pride stuff then there had been in the past but my older kids laughed at it and the younger ones didn’t even know. It was great and I can’t wait to go back...
https://www.cbsnews.com/news/florida-human-trafficking-sting-disney-employees-former-judge/ https://nypost.com/2022/06/18/disney-employee-zachary-hudson-among-12-alleged-sexual-predators-arrested-in-undercover-operation/ https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/disney-executive-charged-with-felony...
[quote]Who tf has said anything about rapists and pedos other than you? You seem obsessed. Remind me a lot of a guy in my hometown that was outspoken racist homophobe whose wife divorced him when she found him on his knees in front of a black dude.[/quote] Everyone knows Disney adults are creepy ...