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Registered on:11/27/2011
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re: The First Omen (Hulu)

Posted by Philzilla on 6/17/24 at 8:18 am
[quote]I'd rate a 6.5/10[/quote] That's a solid D....
[quote]We are deep red and happy. Let’s not fix what isn’t broken![/quote] Not that deep red, just said goodbye to a two term deep blue governor....
[quote]Don’t poke the Bear, or the Nick.[/quote] Poke them all you want now....
[quote]WCWS[/quote] The what?...
They are defenseless victims, like black folks or white liberal women....
No matter what you do for a living, somebody is fricking their coworkers....
Fort Carson - Best Bragg, Benning, Hood, Polk…. It’s a big list....
[quote]no, but she’s also laughing and clearly joking. that’s pretty obvious… [/quote] Well then she is clearly pretty fricking stupid, wouldn’t you say? Making jokes to stick it to your audience doesn’t seem like the best business decision. But Disney loves to spend more, make less, and call it a...
[quote]The only hope I have left is the James Mangold movie [/quote] Hopefully its as good as that Indiana Jones movie....

re: Mary Shelleys Frankenstein

Posted by Philzilla on 6/6/24 at 3:16 pm
[quote]She has a way of making the reader feel the anguish.[/quote] Well, someone does....
[quote]what does it matter if the coonass women are all 5’0” and under?? [/quote][quote]what does it matter if the coonass women are all 5’0” and under??[/quote] Nothing, it’s the smell....

re: First Album you ever bought

Posted by Philzilla on 6/5/24 at 8:57 pm
[img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/5/5e/Alive_2_cover.jpg[/img] At Sears....

re: First Album you ever bought

Posted by Philzilla on 6/5/24 at 8:57 pm
[img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/5/5e/Alive_2_cover.jpg[/img] At Sears....
[quote]The classic mini skirt with black tights[/quote] I thought you were going for the arse as flat as a board look....
[quote]I haven't seen it yet so i can't really comment. [/quote] I’m sure there are some bullshite ratings you can post to really own us, why are you wasting time here? ...

re: New Star Wars series

Posted by Philzilla on 6/5/24 at 7:35 am
[quote]i’ll say it’s more subtle than everyone here is acting like. [/quote] That’s because you are a true believer, and now have to rationalize the prog filth agenda. Or maybe you are just dense....
[quote]There will not be any kids. [/quote] Get a job....

re: What did the Romans use it for?

Posted by Philzilla on 6/4/24 at 5:36 am
[quote]With the amount of time and energy going into making that, I doubt they threw them in the field for elephants to run over.[/quote] What time and energy? Romans had slaves....