Favorite team:Georgia 
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Registered on:10/31/2011
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Apparently the score ticker will be in dynasty mode giving updates on different games just of course no ESPN affiliation ...
So roe v wade stood for almost 50 years but only now after Trump puts his yes men does it get struck down. Sure nothing odd about that ...
[quote]insisted that Russia got him elected because you believe stuff you hear people on tv say over and over no matter how retarded it is. [/quote] When did I ever say that? Show me the evidence...
[quote]not the Supreme Court's mandate to follow the will of the majority.[/quote] No it isn’t, but it is the rule of the court to follow the constitution which it did not. Roe v Wade was absolutely constitutional it wasn’t until Trump started to pack the court with far right Christian nationalists...
[quote]us how the Russians got Trump elected too [/quote] Did I say anything about Russia? It’s amazing how many times you either deflect or use a whataboutism ...
They’re not media talking points when they actually happened we have multiple video evidence of it but stick your head in the sand ...
[quote]Yes, and Hunter Biden being complicit to Ukrainian oligarchs is pretty fricking relevant right now, isn’t it? [/quote] Oh really want to go that route because one I’m well aware of Hunter being a nepobaby and if you want to go after Biden for dirty politics there then fricking do it. Biden has...
You literally excusing a failed coup and simping for the man that continues to lie about the 2020 election doesn’t look so great on you. At least some of us can acknowledge when people we vote for frick up unlike you who seems hellbent on using every bullshite excuse in the book to justify Trump’s cri...
[quote]doing so, they're giving the working class folks of this country the middle finger and the ignorant sheep will continue to follow them.[/quote] The GOP are the ones fricking over the working class and they have been for decades. The GOP is more obsessed with aiding corporations and the rich t...
[quote]They don’t take a poll of the American people to make their decisions. [/quote] Obviously, but pretending the overturn was nothing more that partisan politics is in deep denial. [quote]Why is anyone engaging this person?[/quote] Sorry I don’t share the same beliefs that you do, and I li...
[quote]guy who molested his daughter [/quote] Ah yes the story that didn’t happen ...
[quote]seems like this is wildly inaccurate.[/quote] They literally overturned Roe V Wade when a majority of Americans were against that. Even red states like Kansas voted for keeping abortion rights when given the chance. Then you had uproars when states didn’t allow votes and put in some antiquat...
[quote] There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I[/quote] There is when there’s zero proof and 63 cases later all saying there’s no proof you’re still bullshitting about it ...
[quote]Or maybe it had more to giving RFK an entire episode where he exposes Fauci, Big Pharma, the health agencies, and the CIA and was fired three days later for that.[/quote] Sure it was, definitely wasn’t the Fox News grift being shown to everyone or Fox getting nailed for lying their asses off...
[quote]Yeah, “finding” isn’t the same as creating or rigging. When you say “Go find it” implies that you think it exists. [/quote] Oh bullshite you know damn well what he means don’t play obtuse with me [quote]First Amendment right to question an election[/quote] Must be why Fox lost its dominon ...
Trump spent his life conning and grifting people and cheated on his various wives multiples times also fricked a pro star and tried to cover it up. Also self admitted to sexually assaulting women and saying it was fine because he’s rich ...
Maybe not but his true self was revealed when Fox got its arse handed to it during the Dominon lawsuit. Turns out Tucker hated Trump and his base ...
[quote]You are so full of shite. This right here is why serious conversations can't be had.[/quote] Ah so him lying about a stolen election and asking to find more votes isn’t a problem cool go it ...
Trump tried to overturn a presidential election not to mention his fake elector scheme and the shite he tried to pull in Georgia. Yes Trump is a far larger threat to democracy than anything Biden has done ...