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Registered on:10/29/2011
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[quote]scientists who are questioning the traditional concept of what’s natural when it comes to sex and gender,"[/quote] Nah, it's pretty simple actually. You need a male and a female to procreate in the human species. Problem solved. ...
[quote]Going onto someone else’s property, stealing something that doesn’t belong to you, then destroying it is totally different.[/quote] Like all the mostly peaceful protests a few years ago? Those businesses had insurance, so no issues right? ...
[quote]“I think it’s always really hard knowing that someone can hate something or someone so much that they would set something on fire,” Cooke said.[/quote] Like the American flag, right Karen? ...
[quote]no one loves me like me[/quote] My posts deserve an upvote by me. I think I'm great. ...
I do, and it's awesome. I've hurt someone's fee fee's so bad they've followed me around for years. That's some pretty hurt feelings. :lol:...
[quote]Someone doesn't understand the bulk of the bondage participants are dominatrix, non-gay types...[/quote] Maybe so, but this event, and this bondage bear, is a gay pride event and was confirmed by people calling the hotel. ...
[quote]never really thought about this in the gay community[/quote] Go look at the Gays Against Groomers link I posted. It's pretty eye opening. Like I said, I have one very vocal gay friend who has a burning hatred for stuff like that bear. He's a country boy that you'd hardly suspect was gay. ...
[quote]Agree with you entirely here, but we gays aren’t immune to the backlash. The person responsible for Gays Against Groomers has been demonetized and effectively cancelled. Gay Woke will always be a more protected class than Gay Based. I’ve been physically attacked by the gay Gestapo befor...
[quote]Raphy G 223[/quote] Here you go. [embed]https://x.com/againstgrmrs/status/1792660282088550550[/embed]...
[quote]ibldprplgld[/quote] For anyone interested, this group is where we can fight this. They're tired of the crap in the OP. [embed]https://x.com/againstgrmrs[/embed]...
[quote]Gays Against Groomers is doing fantastic work on social media calling out this bullshite.[/quote] You're right! I actually looked at their Twitter feed today going down this rabbit hole. Credit to them for speaking out. I've said this many times here, I have 4 gay friends. Only one is v...
[quote]OWLFAN86[/quote] I love you brother, in a totally heterosexual way, but I'm not sure why you take the position you do in these threads....
[quote]clickbait fear mongering[/quote] Explain how a bondage bear display in an area where kids are in a higher concentration is fear mongering? I'll wait for your liberal talking points. ...
[quote]Don’t group us all into that bullshite.[/quote] Are you gay? Go tear it down, I'll buy you an airline ticket there. The only way this stops is when you guys get pissed enough to do something about this. ...
Also gays... [embed]https://x.com/libsoftiktok/status/1796688148199833844[/embed] Totally not trying to groom children. When is enough, enough? Someone needs to tear that thing down. Gays Against Groomers needs support. They are fighting against shite like this. [embed]https://x.com...
[quote]Just ignore them! They'll go away! - every centrist on here[/quote] These idiots have made us hate them. Someone needs to go tear that fricking thing down. I'm tired of this shite. ...
[quote]It’s ironic because any schmuck on here would give away half of their savings if that meant being able to frick her. Affleck is one lucky bastard[/quote] I thought she was hot until the day I saw the series of pictures capturing her digging for gold in her nose, then eating it. fricking:yack...
[quote]but it's the only way to make his tiny tendies look better out there I suppose.[/quote] I'll never understand the Cane's popularity. I haven't eaten there in years. The tenders are at least 75% smaller than they ever were, and bland as hell. There's nothing special about them. ...
[quote]but I don't care if homeboy next door fricks his buddy.[/quote] Right? Which is why that shite should stay in the bedroom, not be blasted all over tv and social media for an entire month. Thanks for proving the point. ...