Favorite team:Alabama 
Location:Colorado Springs, CO
Biography:From Mobile originally but have lived in NC, GA and LA. Nominally Catholic but have great respect for other religions except egoic Evangelicals and Islam. Politically moderate (fiscal conservative) but voting for Trump (what other choice do I have?
Interests:Bama and SEC football.
Occupation:Computer and comics guy
Number of Posts:2765
Registered on:10/3/2011
Online Status:Not Online

Recent Posts

And I just gave $200 to his cause. Very proud to do so. :usa:...
Trump will not be stopped. Get on board. Deep down bro, I know you want to. ...
I'm sure it's what your kind want us to believe....

Donald Trump will win in a landslide

Posted by theballguy on 5/31/24 at 2:26 pm
And can pardon himself. That is not an issue no matter what our resident "lawyers" seem to think. [img]https://i.makeagif.com/media/3-14-2016/Utg9Lc.gif[/img] We are riding....
[quote]Extradition agreements between states. [/quote] Is that a federal law?...

re: Hillary Clinton last night

Posted by theballguy on 5/31/24 at 1:51 pm
She is pure evil....
[quote]What.....has Florida become its own country now? [/quote] Does Florida have to abide by NY law?...
Possibly yes if he's not who he presents himself to be. But I'm betting that he knows this shite can happen to him too in a heartbeat. All Republicans should be aware....
Any chance that Ron DeSantis can harbor Trump in Florida and not allow extradition to NY should sentencing be more than just which it will be? Does a President have to physically serve from DC?...
I’m pretty sure it’s not illegal to donate....
Baw will have all the smokes and pop tarts he could ever hope for. Good luck homie :USA:...
Congratulate the Mavs. Not me dude. :spank:...
[quote]Minnesota fans stay classy lol [/quote] They can't....
[quote]this isn't a melt [/quote] That says "melt"....
And you're melting now. Why? Minnesota beat Denver. No one has ever denied this....
[quote]Great win for Denver tonight, i mean Dallas. [/quote] We lost a series ago and yet you're melting. Why?...
[quote]SpartyGator[/quote] Great season brother :cheers:...
Yep. Pussy. No surprise. Lot of talk. Definitely not MJ. MJ ALWAYS shook it up after a series loss. ...