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re: Tipping Fishing Guide?

Posted by TheDrunkenTigah on 6/1/24 at 5:18 pm
20% unless he’s a dickhead or doesn’t put forth effort. If they/he cleans fish and does a good job I might go higher whether that cost is included or not. Most I’ve been around will not show their arse if someone doesn’t know to tip but it is generally expected if they work to put you on fish. ...

re: School me on cross bows

Posted by TheDrunkenTigah on 6/1/24 at 3:54 pm
[img]https://i2-prod.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article3141453.ece/ALTERNATES/s1200/From-Drugs-to-Mugs.jpg[/img] This ole baw thought it was just about getting a clean kill too. ...
I’m speculating but it seems like they need just the right amount of drainage, places where the leaf litter will hold some moisture but excess will run off. Rare to find them in the low spots where water can stand, but they will be on hilltops as long as they’re shaded. ...
[quote]Where would one look to find them? Uplands or bottoms?[/quote] Anywhere there is a decent layer of oak leaf litter away from direct sunlight. We find them under a stand of water oaks, about a 5ac area that changes dramatically in elevation, but they’re all over it. ...
We typically get a good flush around this time in south central MS. They’re excellent with just butter and garlic over a good ribeye, maybe my favorite mushroom. ...

re: How to get rid of coyotes?

Posted by TheDrunkenTigah on 5/28/24 at 7:26 pm
I don’t see how you can call extermination of the the red wolf a natural phenomenon, or that the Rocky Mountains aren’t different from Florida, but agree to disagree. I never compared a house cat to a coyote, I said neither is native to the southeast. They’re here to stay so it’s academic at this po...

re: How to get rid of coyotes?

Posted by TheDrunkenTigah on 5/28/24 at 4:34 pm
[quote]their eastward range primarily expanded due to the vanishing of apex predators in their "new range"[/quote] The red wolf specifically. I don’t blame the coyote for taking advantage of the hand it was dealt, but filling a biological niche that was voided by development doesn’t make the coyo...

re: How to get rid of coyotes?

Posted by TheDrunkenTigah on 5/28/24 at 3:26 pm
[quote]That's semantics, really. An animal expanding its range isn't the same as an animal with no connection to a given ecosystem being introduced. It is a stretch to call coyotes invasive. [/quote] I would argue its semantics to use a continent to define an ecosystem. The Rockies and Sierra N...

re: How to get rid of coyotes?

Posted by TheDrunkenTigah on 5/28/24 at 2:00 pm
Coyotes are not any more native than cats in a lot of areas, especially the southeast. Like cats (and deer), they’re just pretty good at living in the sprawl. [img]https://naturalsciences.org/calendar/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/coyote_rainbow_expansion.gif[/img]...
The main issue with raised beds and/or containers is keeping water and nutrients balanced. Raised beds need to drain to prevent staying water logged, causing root rot, but then they have a tendency to dry out. If you water enough, you’re rinsing out a lot of nutrients and will end up chasing deficie...

re: Forestry spraying

Posted by TheDrunkenTigah on 5/28/24 at 11:14 am
No idea what it would cost to get someone to come in and spray but I think most of them would recommend you cut first and spray the stumps, or would want $$ to hack and squirt. Sweetgum is a bitch and it may take multiple applications with foiliar application. We rented a skid steer with a cutter fo...
[quote]It's a shame that stuff doesn't seem to work on mosquitos.[/quote] I wouldn’t say that. I’ve stayed in a couple of the dirt poor delta towns that apparently don’t spray and you will inhale mosquitos they’re so thick. It was worse than the swamp, and that’s not an exaggeration. ...

re: How to get rid of coyotes?

Posted by TheDrunkenTigah on 5/27/24 at 8:52 pm
[quote]We have some during the day free ranging livestock that I want to keep safe.[/quote] Coyotes are fun to hunt with a call so by all means, but they are very smart and if you shoot one you can expect that group to get wise. They’re also territorial and killing the dominant ones will draw in ...
Forgot to mention, agreed on the above, nutrabullet is a must. Easy to add frozen stuff, no whey clumps, and just as easy to clean....

re: Reveal cameras

Posted by TheDrunkenTigah on 5/24/24 at 6:05 pm
They’re the best option on the market right now in the price range. We’re up to 17 now and have no issues. Get the right SD cards and get some way to power them besides AAs and you don’t have to worry about them at all, they just work. ...
I will probably never stop buying Isopure no matter how expensive it gets, but whatever you settle on I would suggest trying low carb. What allows me to not hate drinking protein is to mix it with Fairlife milk and a little bit of frozen banana such that it tastes like a milkshake while keeping...

re: Are bullheads good to eat?

Posted by TheDrunkenTigah on 5/24/24 at 11:01 am
No one: Mobile Josh: [img]https://media4.giphy.com/media/PiXlH2IA8sMla/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952bysm14laqhr33uwnzgj950ufjk1z6rtdqk63hjla&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img]...
[quote]Want these trees to feed next season[/quote] They got persimmon flavored corn now I think ...
There is no need to spray the entire plant, and that’s a great way to kill the pollinators that you need to produce squash instead of just blossoms. A little dust around the base of each stem, either bifen or diatomaceous earth if you’re going that route, is plenty to kill the larvae when they hatch...

re: Best trap for outdoor rats?

Posted by TheDrunkenTigah on 5/20/24 at 2:43 pm
I was able to catch a few with something similar but they got wise to it quick. They’re pretty cautious when they aren’t starving, which is why the new generation poisons work. They will take a small taste of a new food source before going at it, but with the new stuff that taste is all it takes. ...