Favorite team:LSU 
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Registered on:8/10/2010
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It’s not a decrease in pay. It a smaller stipend they got than they got last year. EBR is raising teacher salaries 1,300 so that’s a permanent 1,300 for Ebr teachers and a one time 1,300 dollar stipend. Then if you’re a math or science teacher the state is giving you an additional 2k stipend. ...
I disagree about dividends. Yes they stop some growth in stock values. However, my fun portfolio is up a significant % and I get dividends. Stocks like Google, apple, visa, American Express, Bank of America, and IBM are just a few dividend stocks that have gone up over 20% for me in the last year no...
I know families of 5 that live on 55k a year. Bought houses about 10 years ago...
Me and the wife do Disney every couple of years for 4 days each trip. Why? Because we have the money and enjoy it. We do 3-4 vacations a year. ...
John’s pizza is overrated. It’s the same as every other pizza place but with a 2 hr line...
I love the dips. I buy Disney under 90....
it will take 4-5 years but its cleared and will happen. LSU is providing the land, private person is funding the build. LSU uses it for games/events. When not in use by LSU private owner will be making bank on events. And of course LSU is not in st. George so they won't see a penny of that money...

re: In the market for a house...

Posted by tigerbacon on 5/12/24 at 9:25 pm
The market is crazy. Experts are now selling people on 35-40% of their income on houses. I don’t agree with that...
That’s baseball. Hopefully we can win two in a row...
If you want a complete gamble sure. I personally will never touch my 401k until I retire especially not for a flip of the coin gamble....
Buffet will be selling more positions. He’s worried about the tax changes coming with the election. ...

re: Rich White People?

Posted by tigerbacon on 5/2/24 at 9:39 am
I know so many st George residents that will be putting their houses for sell within 5 months to move into ebr. St. George area is mainly people who want private school but can't afford it for their kids...

re: NYC and New England trip route

Posted by tigerbacon on 4/28/24 at 9:16 pm
Salem is 1-2 hours max...

re: Student Loans

Posted by tigerbacon on 4/22/24 at 5:43 pm
Yeah it’s your loans not hers. I would still make monthly payments than use retirement accounts since your be losing money...
Why fly with a 10 month old. Just going to piss off of the surrounding people and you won’t enjoy it all. And the baaby won’t remember any of it. No one remembers anything before their five so it’s a waste of money ...

re: Student Loans

Posted by tigerbacon on 4/21/24 at 1:12 pm
It’s her student loans not yours. Don’t wager your retirement for anything...
I love when stocks I love dip. Buy me more apple, Microsoft, and Tesla. Man I just hope I can buy enough before the rebound...
It’s fine. Probably low 80’s during day and high 50’s at night...

re: Has furniture gone up much?

Posted by tigerbacon on 4/14/24 at 9:26 pm
Honesty make your own. So much cheaper, higher quality, and you get exactly what you wanr...
I agree timely hitting is the issue. It seems we always get 2 hits a row with 2 outs. We got most of the breaks last year and we aren’t getting the breaks this year. That’s baseball...