Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Under the Tilt-a-Whirl
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Registered on:6/30/2010
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[quote]Also, HS reunions are all lame and gay with a bunch of tards who are most likely beneath me intellectually considering where her hometown is.[/quote] Good luck, idiot. You're mind won't be changed. Whatever happens, happens because of your ideology. :cheers:...
[quote]go golfing [/quote] Go meet your wife's friends. You can always play a round. Reunions are a ten years apart, on average. She wants you there. ...
Even if you don't know them, she does. Go mingle. You might find a classmate you like. Same thing happened to me. Most people are friendly and don't bite. ...
[quote] I]passed Louisiana Banditos going the other way around HAMMOND yesterday.[/quote] I saw some filling up in NELA today at a Pilot and had Ghost Riders from Union Parish with them, per the patch on their cut. No idea who either is. ...
[quote]Has anyone ever listened to an entire song and then confirmed it was the same length down to second?[/quote] Was it the radio version of Freebird vs the 13-14 minute version live? Asking for a friend....
Bella is yours now. Love her. I'm not sure what you will name her, but it's my choice. ...
[quote]Someone please debunk this.[/quote] I'm not going to. I haven't even researched it, but conspiracy theorists are, I think, undefeated at this point. I'm going to say it's possible, if not likely. :dunno:...
[quote]Regretfully I have but one down vote to give[/quote] I got you, bro. I added one for you....
[quote]I’m sure it’s a great place in other areas[/quote] Nope. ...
Chicken made a thread on the OT. Twitter and YouTube are now able to embed...
[quote]You're nothing but a bunch of Internet Gangsters in this place. All of you flexing like you're somebody. You're just another wormy little cocksucker attacking a stranger from behind a keyboard. You are a fricking punk online and off.[/quote] If you really use those words regularly in your ...
[quote]Please tell me why you think the mobile version sucks.[/quote] I'm wondering the same thing. I like it better than the desktop version for the simplicity ...
Chicken said they are trying it that way for now. Will one get on top? Unknown, but for now, it stays on the first page at the bottom. It will still be able to be seen. ...
[quote]Check the … menu on Duck duck go. Go to settings and then you should see text size. That is how i get to it on the iphone.[/quote] Thank you. Found it under Accessibility. I over looked it. I'm back on mobile as well. I'm honestly good with the dark mode, at the moment. I'll play around wit...
[quote]Rebel[/quote] I swapped to desktop to see if I could find an option and now stuck in it as swapping to mobile is no longer at the bottom. It's just dark mode. I, too, am a rookie with some of this ...
[quote]Are you using Chrome? [/quote] Not currently, using Duck Duck Go, but I found that dark mode, for some reason on my phone, has a slightly smaller size or appears that it does to me. I hadn't tried the dark version until know. I can roll with it. If I do swap to Chrome, I'll be sure to check ...
[quote]Lynyrd, what exactly is the issue? that screen shot looks ok to me.[/quote] To me, as you stated, that is is now slightly larger. Maybe offer an option to decrease it if you ever implement the change mentioned earlier about giving us an option to increase it. It's just larger than what it wa...
[img]https://i.postimg.cc/3NwPH4hY/Screenshot-20240411-133142.png[/img]] I know the screen shot appears normal, but when you hit reply that font size is normal to me. May just be me and my phone. Sorry for the blurry pic. I tried twice to get it clearer. ...
On Motorola. I don't appear to have an option for text size. The last phone I had did allow me to change. When you originally changed the size, I start running text size at 80% to avoid this larger size, but can't on this phone. ...