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Registered on:1/30/2005
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I added surfactant last week and likely will have some yard spotting. I thought I'd snuck it in between 85 and 90 deg F... With this heat the sedgehammer should do OK w/o the surfactant....
[quote]The hotel[/quote] I wonder if this was done by management or an employee that took $50k on the side....
[quote]The problem is inflation is destroying everything. It’s way higher than the estimated 24% over the last 3.5 years. The way prices have risen for almost everything has me stunned. Biden and company are clueless.[/quote] I agree completely. For those that want to weather the storm of inflat...
Young Americans just have to reassess on what square footage is needed vs. what is wanted. A family of four can do just fine in 1700 sq ft 3Bed2bath...that's what I grew up with. If you want 4 bed 3 bath and 2500+ sq ft combined income better be 200K+....
I'm sure the 60+ year old federal judges will smile on these young scholars....
No room in the market for mid range restaurants anymore. It's either fast food type places or higher end that has margins to still pay growing labor costs. Red Lobster, Chilis, and Applebees types are going to get squeezed out....

re: Recent Tucker / MTG interview

Posted by LSU0358 on 4/11/24 at 9:05 am
[quote]but I agree with 100 percent of what she said in that interview.[/quote] She acts like Johnson is in charge of DC when he's a Speaker with a 2 vote majority in the House while the other side has control of the Senate and the White House. She is delusional if she thinks Johnson can pus...

re: Recent Tucker / MTG interview

Posted by LSU0358 on 4/11/24 at 8:25 am
[quote]guy voting for more illegal immigration, higher crime, higher prices, grooming kids, and endless wars.[/quote] Couldn't be more wrong. I call it like I see it. Having an (R) at the front of a congress members name doesn't make them any less of an idiot....

re: Recent Tucker / MTG interview

Posted by LSU0358 on 4/11/24 at 8:14 am
[quote]MTG has no freaking clue how government antucally works. She just screams popular talking points to keep getting elected.[/quote] And we have a winner. It's easy to spew stupid and get elected in a deep red district. All she will ever be is a loud mouth flame thrower that will never get ...

re: Recent Tucker / MTG interview

Posted by LSU0358 on 4/11/24 at 8:02 am
[quote]spits out truth bombs after truth bombs after truth bombs[/quote] Vomits out stupid comment after stupid comment. ...
It’ll be ok, I’m sure after Ukraine that’ll be the end of it....

re: Johnson is on live with Hannity.

Posted by LSU0358 on 4/2/24 at 12:32 pm
[quote]Endless excuses. Endless losing.[/quote] Endless delusion....
Never change poli talk…never change. The level of stupidity is amazing....

re: Johnson is on live with Hannity.

Posted by LSU0358 on 4/2/24 at 8:01 am
Any speaker with a 2 vote majority is weak. I know many would prefer a flame throwing loud mouth but that would be moronic in front of an election....
[quote]I would be shocked if the FSB DIDN'T blame the west.[/quote] That's the only move they have. For FSB leadership taking blame for their failure is a good way to wind up commiting suicide by a fall from a 4th floor or shooting themselves twice in the head....
[quote]Cool. Then don't pretend to be a man of God, and then prove yourself to be a fricking liar.[/quote] Words of someone with the luxury of seeing the world in black and white. It’s easy to scream and shout about what’s broke. What do you people want Johnson to do with a one vote majority? ...
It’s easy to spout an opinion when you aren’t responsible for any outcomes. Leadership requires compromise…and with a narrow majority requires more compromise....
[quote]You mean like the Mitch types.[/quote] Mitch single handily gave us a more conservative Supreme Court....
This is what a small majority does for you. Loud mouth and obnoxious jack asses are able to feel important. They'll never accomplish anything worthwhile but they sure will break some stuff....
The speaker doesn’t drink…but hey it sounds good right?...