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Location:With Skillet
Biography:LSU Graduate, BS-Business Adm.
Interests:LSU sports, WWII History
Occupation:Business Management
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Registered on:11/20/2009
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re: How Are We Losing

Posted by Festus on 5/31/24 at 2:20 pm
[quote]TigerFred[/quote] Sticky?...

re: For anyone that missed it

Posted by Festus on 5/31/24 at 2:19 pm
The sound the ball makes coming off of that aluminum bat....:drool:...
Surprised no one mentioned Steven Moore. Brother of DA Hillar Moore. Does good work, fair price, and on the right side of politics in LA.........

re: Rate the hoe professions

Posted by Festus on 5/30/24 at 3:54 pm
[quote]madamsquirrel[/quote] You know, BEGF is a LOT like you. If you know what I'm saying......
[quote]I dont think he’ll be guilty, but if he is and goes to jail- how does ur boy run a reelection campaign form prison ?[/quote] Appeal and post bail? :dunno:...
Hey Aspy. I hear Trump about to find out. ...
[quote]Ponce de boudeon?[/quote] :drool:...

re: Rate the hoe professions

Posted by Festus on 5/30/24 at 3:26 pm
BEGF is a nurse. :drool: She's nasty and fricks any doctor that she works with. :drool:...
Cajun Boudin [img]https://media.istockphoto.com/photos/hot-haggis-on-a-silver-plate-picture-id177385779?k=6&m=177385779&s=612x612&w=0&h=kgnxlXH7VPHxwUaLok7wHRRYB7cCjLFgdC5wL5xcxws=[/img]...
[quote]I actually kinda would like to see who we are conversing with, tbh……not for any nefarious reasons at all.[/quote] I'm Festus. Nice to meet you. [img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.13OkVk8bdeQtk3C_C_AyVwHaJ4?w=768&h=1024&rs=1&pid=ImgDetMain[/img]...
[quote]The dads that argue a call like thety have money riding on it. The same dad that looks online for sports agents for their future big leaguer. [/quote] :[b][i]Gaston has entered the chat[/i][/b]:...
I bought this thing and it works like a charm. Knock off of a Honda. I back fed it through my panel. Super quiet. Doesn't use much gas. Starts up every time. I got my money's worth in the first day. Highly recommend, especially for the cost. It runs what you state, plus a lot more, including a w...
[quote]watcha see?[/quote] :dunno: [img]https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/bite-size-sausage-17498857.jpg[/img]...
[quote]Looks like carpenter bees got to your boudin.[/quote] Nope. Just naturally aging process. I'm a connoisseur, unlike the typical civilian. I'm trying to teach you people some of the finer things in life. ...
[quote]DPH would eat dis[/quote] :glances down at crotch:...