Favorite team:LSU 
Location:In the woods
Occupation:Building things
Number of Posts:1261
Registered on:10/6/2009
Online Status:Not Online

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Canebrake (Timber) rattler. Nasty venom for man or beast. On the other hand, all dogs go to Heaven....
I have been following LSU baseball since the 1970's. This team has surprised me more than any other - I really anticipated that they would be much better than they have been. There are just too many holes in the lineup both offensively and defensively. Johnson is going to have to seriously up hi...
Nothing wrong with having a green light on a 3-0 pitch if you are a good hitter. But having a green light is not a mandate to swing. Tommy had made up his mind that he was swinging no matter what and it cost him and the team. Love him all you want, he made a bad decision and if he's smart he will le...
[quote]maybe we don’t need to shite out pants every time Tommy has a bad game.[/quote] No one is shitting their pants. We just got out of a very close game with Woffard. If we don't correct some of these types of problems (very correctable I might add), we will not make it to Omaha. Tommy Whi...
[quote]Tommy has the green light to swing at any pitch he wants[/quote] He does not. If he does, he needs a new coach. [quote]You can't hit a home run at every at bat[/quote] Someone needs to explain this to Tommy....
[quote]Dude. Come on[/quote] I don't care how good you are, if you swing on a 3-0 count it better be at a fat pitch down the middle or let it go. He had made his mind up to swing when he stepped to the plate. That's bad for business. We needed a runner, especially with Jones up next. He takes ...
THIS! I really struggle with this kid. He is so intent on being the hero that he can't think about doing the right thing for the team and let a bad pitch go. I hope he can eat a little humble pie and get back on track. It would be really beneficial to the team for him to do so....

re: Snake ID

Posted by Tigerinthewoods on 5/31/24 at 2:09 pm
Sure you did. And your girlfriend picked it up for you, right?...


Posted by Tigerinthewoods on 5/30/24 at 1:57 pm
Banded Grass Snake (Zoysia Banditomas). Pretty harmless when it stays on the other side of the fence. Becomes venomous when it crosses to your side....

re: Hummingbird pictures

Posted by Tigerinthewoods on 5/27/24 at 2:27 pm
Awesome pictures! Only God could make something so incredibly beautiful....
[quote]10th, but yeah, it did seem that way[/quote] Corrected, thanks!...
Was that it seemed like there was a concerted effort on the part of the umpires to turn every facet of the play and the resultant ruling into something detrimental to the Tigers. I told my son that the baseball gods would not allow this effort to stand and that justice would be served cold. It wa...

re: Snake ID

Posted by Tigerinthewoods on 5/20/24 at 7:54 pm
They way to check if it's a Louisiana Black Mamba is to pick it up and shake it good. If it bites the living crap out of you and you die foaming at the mouth 30 minutes later you will know it was the dreaded LBM. If it bites the living crap out of you but you just bleed a lot and don't die, wel...

re: Yes another snake ID

Posted by Tigerinthewoods on 5/17/24 at 1:29 pm
It is obviously a rare and elusive Touquini Legless Diamondback Lizard. Often mistaken for the common Diamondback Water Snake, they are differentiated by the fact that the Water snake is too proud to ever be found basking on man-made floating debris while the Touquini will often seek out such things...

re: Identify this snake.

Posted by Tigerinthewoods on 5/16/24 at 10:18 am
Top snake is Ratasnakious Onconcretious. Bottom snake is Ratasnakious Onpinetreous. Same species, different subspecies. Both are protected species of the Outdoor Board, molest at peril of high fine. ...


Posted by Tigerinthewoods on 5/3/24 at 3:14 pm
[quote]they are able to crawl backwards[/quote] That's total bullshite, dude! they only appear to crawl backwards because they are able to push the ground forward beneath them due to the incredible power of their oblique abdominal muscles combined with the shape of their anterior rotator scale...

re: Snake ID

Posted by Tigerinthewoods on 5/1/24 at 10:23 am
Dark phase of the Arborial Man Constrictor in search mode. Do not attempt to approach or you may wind up as one of the many swamp disappearances recently attributed to this man-eater. Also known as a Rat snake. Again, leave it be!...

re: Snake ID Requested

Posted by Tigerinthewoods on 4/29/24 at 8:21 am
Sorry, that's not a snake at all, it's a Bigfoot turd about a day old. They do that you know, make turds that look like other animals in order to throw people off or shake them up. Sometimes they hide in the bushes eating dewberries and laughing at humans who try to identify their scat. Ok...Ok, ...

re: Spider ID?

Posted by Tigerinthewoods on 4/19/24 at 7:35 am
Brown Reclusive Widow. Trying to attract sympathy by acting like she might be crippled. Beware!...
[quote]Is there one snake that you will not catch?[/quote] Bet he won't try to put his hands on a Black Mamba!...