Favorite team:Ole Miss 
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Registered on:4/20/2009
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To losers who can’t get a wife any other way: [img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/vvbGMpbhZMcHSsD50w/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952r99gn97eh68bd71wnlia1r7x8sh7rsurtr751p4f&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img]...
[quote]Politics aside, could you vote for someone who was 40 years sober from a serious drug addiction?[/quote] Ummm, yes...
[quote]I honestly think his decline and dementia are being overblown.[/quote] Ummmm, how? It’s literally every time he gets in front of the cameras these days....
[embed]https://x.com/theofficertatum/status/1802832534843117723?s=46[/embed] There’s no way they can run this senile decrepit weirdo as President. There’s no way this can be the President....
[embed]https://x.com/sassafrass_84/status/1802786347293331892?s=46[/embed] Yeah, I’m guessing they’re letting Trump off on the immunity case and possibly throwing out the E Jean Carroll bullshite case....
Oh yeah, full Zombie Apocalypse where everyone died. Press really did a great job....
Good. If a major Pfizer executive shows up in the state, immediately arrest him/her....
[quote]2020-2021 were pretty rough years for movies but there was a solid bounce back in 2023. not quite the heady days of 2019. I dont see the Jumanji sequel making 800 million in today’s market.[/quote] Remember when you said that Lightyear only bombed because Father’s Day was an unpopular movi...

Blacks Under 50- Biden Down 43 Points

Posted by OMLandshark on 6/17/24 at 11:04 am
[embed]https://x.com/realdylanmo/status/1802710784662781963?s=46[/embed] The DNC when they see those numbers: [img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/euC8EwosfCWk0/200w.gif?cid=82a1493bptb3hfuj3dpbyb5dxfux8gxpimnjbwvad62lfpyw&ep=v1_gifs_related&rid=200w.gif&ct=g[/img] [img]https://i.makeagif.com/...
[embed]https://x.com/dailycaller/status/1802684855496376813?s=46[/embed] How about instead you ask these retards at CNN what Democracy means, because it seems that they think it’s complete One Party Rule. [img]https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A...
Bumped for the day crew and that pussy deleting the post....
[quote]Reminds me of when they tried to convince us that John Kerry was a huge Red Sox fan during his POTUS campaign.[/quote] Or him riding a Harley into Letterman’s show. Most cringe worthy thing I’ve ever seen....
[quote]Dude looks like Count from Sesame Street[/quote] ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR! FIVE! SIX!!! SIX RAW BURGERS!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!...
[quote]So much wrong with this phrase. I literally do not know where to start………[/quote] Oh that’s the point. I live out West and it sends me over the edge when people claim they’re doing a barbecue but are merely grilling hamburgers and hot dogs....
Can anyone else who has ever cooked identify the error in this? EDIT: fricking assclown deleted it, but the internet remembers: [embed]https://x.com/catturd2/status/1802509569022656741?s=46[/embed]...

re: Post your favorite SNL sketch

Posted by OMLandshark on 6/16/24 at 5:45 pm

re: Post your favorite SNL sketch

Posted by OMLandshark on 6/16/24 at 4:02 pm
[quote]How is this movie for a 5 year old? My daughter loved the first one and asked about the second one[/quote] If she liked the first, then she’s good for the second. Same level of maturity as the first....
I don’t see what he really brings to the table. I don’t think anyone Hispanic is going to change their minds on voting for Trump over Trump’s VP being Hispanic....