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Location:Bat'n Rudge
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Registered on:10/11/2004
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[quote]Where does Morton Anderson rank? [/quote] Way below Morten Andersen....
I don't know, but I would like to see him try this before the election....
Cut them off right before winter and see how well they do....
[quote]1. US Senator Bill Cassidy (LA via Chicago)[/quote] I'm not a big fan of BC, but he moved to Baton Rouge when he was a baby and has lived in the city his entire life. ...
[quote]A law school graduate and community leader, Mund was born and raised in North Dakota. She is an honors graduate from Harvard Law School and Brown University and represented the state as Miss America in 2018. She ran as an independent for Congress against Republican Kelly Armstrong in 2022, ga...
[quote]If anything it should have just been a slap on the wrist and a fine like any other campaign finance violation in history. [/quote] Didn't BHO get something like $600K of illegal campaign contributions that only amounted to a piddling fine?...
So these alleged (and unprosecuted) federal election law violations were the predicate to rarely (if ever) prosecuted misdemeanor falsification of business records charges that were somehow magically turned into a felony by DA Bragg? [img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExcnNoNWN...
You're gone in January anyway. Big whoop, Joe! You're a day late and a dollar short. :rolleyes: ETA: At least you can do for the remainder of your term in caucus with the Republicans in order to take the Senate Majority Leader position away from Chuck U. Schumer, but I'm sure you're too weak...
Here's the shortened version: Dear Dick and Shelly, F*ck you! /r JJR ...
The melt will be cataclysmic if/when this goes to the USSC and the conviction is overturned. Look for Chuck Schumer to do a George Costanza getting to a microphone and in front of a TV camera. ...
[quote]Wray said we will be attacked by terrorists.[/quote] [img]https://i.imgflip.com/8scm5b.jpg [/img]...
[quote]So a Democrat who ran as a Republican. [/quote] She'd fit right in in Louisiana....
The Patriot Front are meeting with Merrick Garland as we speak. Don’t worry. ...
[quote]Where are her thumbs?[/quote] Up Liz Cheney's arse....
I think they're going to try to go straight to the USSC. Mark Levin laid this out yesterday....
Those have to be bots responding to that statement. They're unhinged and believe this was actually a fair trial. :rotflmao:...