Favorite team:Texas Rangers 
Location:Alberta, overlooking B.C.
Number of Posts:11350
Registered on:1/6/2009
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Maybe if the hot chicks that sit behind the Dallas Stars bench started flashing, then they’d have a chance in the series. [img]https://i.imgur.com/lBJbr19.jpg[/img] [img]https://images.outkick.com/static.outkick.com/www.outkick.com/content/uploads/2024/01/668/376/Who-was-the-woman-behind-the-...
[quote]Stephanie Cook [/quote] [quote]pride flag[/quote] [quote]Mandeville[/quote] Is it asking too much to hope this is a lipstick lesbian? If so, pics? ...
They gonna use all the available power west of Chicago. ...
[quote]I did when I was younger. fell about 7 feet and hit my head against a steel sailboat mast.[/quote] Subtle “I had a sailboat as a kid” brag. ...
Dani Carvajal ! Biggest play on the biggest sports day of 2024...
[quote]I don't think streameast plays college baseball[/quote] I guess all good things have their limits. ...
Lebron endorses Streameast. [img]https://chumley.barstoolsports.com/union/2024/05/25/lebron-stream-east.859a2cc7.png?crop=0.99%2C0.75%2Cx0.00%2Cy0.10%2Csafe[/img]...
[quote]I laughed last night at the 1st baseman. Clemson isn't a bug team and he looked like a 6th grade standing by them[/quote] You better show more respect to Mr. Patrick Matthews. [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR0U1cqmII_VhVi1_4MBZKSqDiqbuOMTV2lkw&usqp=CAU[/img] ...
High Point’s roster has to average 5’6”. ...
[quote]Be pride only when earn. You work hard? Pride. You self discipline? Pride. You make ancestor happy? Pride. You put poop on penis? This not Pride.[/quote] I’m stealing this nugget of Confucius wisdom. ...
“Oh no, you can’t touch her” That’s what’s wrong with society. The general traveling public was either filming or running away. The airport employees and security were useless. Tackle that bitch and get her out of the airport. ...
The story of my life. The friend was always so far out of my league that I never had a chance, but somehow, being with her friend fooled me more than once into thinking otherwise. ...
[img]https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjHgOvp-Y7qsTAjEC6kaoXPZwiw5c6nV6eO5DVcpRNRLkWwXsBXUbRefrfe3KqycNbN-F11n9BXt9l3vz4fNpGgCmVIxSykh23bqkWJalDRGu-_QyWKEknqtQnYK0oNNTaVbbVaDaHRy4o/s1600/Smiley2.jpg[/img] [img]https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71E3MhNNMuL._AC_UF1000,100...
[quote]Can't believe I just listened to the whole thing.[/quote] So did I. Someone needs to come over and unplug me. My simulation has taken a weird turn. It needs to be reset so I can get back to the normal simulated universe. ...
[quote]the smaller the chicken, the bigger his profit. FAX[/quote] They were expanding so fast at one point their suppliers could no longer reliably provide the original size to all their locations, so they had to downsize out of necessity. Customers kept coming, so a move they originally didn’...
[quote]car was trapped by mostly peaceful George Floyd protesters[/quote] The press is dedicated to their script. Even when describing hostile and illegal actions, they still label these professional rioters as “mostly peaceful”...