Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Baton Rouge
Biography:2X LSU grad B.A., M.A. 2--yr USAF vet
Occupation:Advertising and PR
Number of Posts:4
Registered on:4/4/2024
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Atlanta's Bobby Jones course in the heart of the city is a great turnaround story. ...

re: #7 green at City Park in BR

Posted by Bendelow on 4/18/24 at 5:33 pm
The course is far more than a "nice a piece of land." It is an historic course authored by a legendary designer, where generations of golfers have learned to enjoy the game. The year 2026 marks the 100th anniversary of play at City Park. ...

re: #7 green at City Park in BR

Posted by Bendelow on 4/5/24 at 4:50 pm
I really think we should stop comparing Historic City Park Golf Course to Audubon Park. When I lived in NOLA in the 70s and 80s, it was much worse than City Park ever was. City Park can be truly great. Let's work to make it that way. Respond to BREC's "Imagine Your Parks" survey on their web site an...

re: #7 green at City Park in BR

Posted by Bendelow on 4/4/24 at 5:02 pm
Your heads and hearts appear to be in the right place. Why not share this with BREC during their "Imagine Your Parks" planning process. Just go to the BREC website for a link to a currently active survey....