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Registered on:9/6/2023
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The funny thing about that map is if you think Russia is actually trying to gain a lot of ground right now (they aren’t) you’ll think they are being stymied. If you think they are just trying to extend and pressure the front, this backs that up as well. Everyone is going to see what they want to....
[quote]The whole thread should be moved to the political board. It's absurd that it's allowed to stay here. It's 90% politics at this point.[/quote] Especially in the sense that people are locked in to their positions and don’t adjust priors given new information. ...
[quote]From tactical or strategic viewpoint, how could this war have gone any worse for Russia?[/quote] Oh I 100% agree. But its foolish to act like Biden has handled this well, like you did in your previous post. If we are playing soccer and the game ends 1-0 and I won because you kicked the...
[quote]The US provided England and the US with billions. We provided food, clothing, wedpibs, tanks, ammo and etc. The longer the war lasted the more did we gave. Did we provide aid the entire time because they continued to lose and eventually lost. Or did we give aid to halt the enemy and then ...
[quote]I have no idea how all this will sort itself out. But I have a sinking feeling in my gut in the very near future we won’t recognize college football as we’ve known it. [/quote] You can still recognize it? ...
[quote]Except if Ukraine was really at risk of falling apart, NATO countries wouldn't risk their gear being captured by Russia and wouldn't send it, but never mind small details like that...)[/quote] You can just tag me :lol: Losing doesn't necessary = at risk of falling apart immediately, for...
Thanks for posting SteelersBravesDavidOBrien...
[quote]It's called boiling a frog. And for all their frickups, foreign and domestic, the Biden administration has done a damn good job with this. Russia keeps thinking it needs to go in just a little bit deeper...and then the West counters. And so Russia moves in a little bit deeper, etc.[/quote] ...
Immediately after this is resolved will probably be a great time to buy :lol:...

re: UFC 302: Makhachev vs Poirier

Posted by VolSquatch on 5/31/24 at 9:04 am
[quote]Is DP hard of hearing? He's always asking: "what did he say? can you repeat that?"[/quote] You seen his ears? Dude has more cauliflower than the vegetable aisle ...

re: Napoleon on AppleTV

Posted by VolSquatch on 5/31/24 at 9:02 am
It feels like it wanted to just be about Josephine and Napoleon, but they had to throw in the battles to try to sell tickets. Hopefully the longer cut is a more cohesive narrative. The theatrical release had good moments, but was kind of a Frankenstein's monster, pieced together sort of mess of ...
Well it depends on what you're talking about. Homeless people? We've removed all of our teeth in terms of dealing with them. Some cities don't enforce crimes that previously kept them off the streets anymore. If you're talking about welfare queens and poor people who work but just in low payin...
The endless shrimp thing reminds me of this wing place back home. Several guys from the football team would go after practice on Tuesdays for endless wings... The owner told us one time that if you eat over 2 plates the restaurant lost money. I think some guys who played OL ate 9 or 10 plates. ...
[quote]Also, GM wouldn’t recall but would deny there are problems.[/quote] Yep, local shop said they get 4-5 cars per week with the same torque converter issue with their transmissions. This is on slightly older models though, like 2012-2018 or something...
[quote]As I outlined in detail a few pages back, the long-term strategic outook is very different. [/quote] If your several assumptions are correct....
[quote]What has happened with the Russian offensive in the north? When it kicked off a lot was made about it but lately it's been radio silence. [/quote] Russia is building bases/staging areas in various spots close-ish to the front (not just in the north IIRC, but there too), either in anticipa...
[quote]The Ukrainians started with a larger force, and they were rushing to get as many men under arms as possible. Training was limited and you didn't get a lot of it. It's a war of survival. [/quote] IDK if your point is accurate at all and it ultimately doesn't matter, but it [b]should[/b] be...
[quote]Well, I'll say this: I'm looking at rumors coming out of Ukraine and I'll hold off on responding for a few hours. But someone might want to check on the Russian's 72nd division...[/quote] Whats the rumor? Ghost of Kyiv get them?...
[quote]1) good money[/quote] Probably GREAT money [quote]2) hot chicks[/quote] You think they have those just to give out still? To foreigners, no less? [quote]3) hero status[/quote] Eh [quote]4) adventure[/quote] I would do it for mostly this ...
Yep, by all means. I just think its funny to cut the fluff and word what you were saying for what it was. At least Americans would be getting Ukraine money somehow :lol:...