Favorite team:Washington 
Location:West Sesttle
Number of Posts:129
Registered on:8/8/2023
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Walton was truly a nice guy-very fan friendly. Saw him at a Garcia/Meryl Sanders show at the Keystone Berkeley in ‘83. He would move around the club to experience the changes in the sound....
Hoffs graduated from UC Berkeley and her mom was doctor. Smart pair. ...
There is a definite link between breast cancer and alcohol. This was shown when the women from upscale Marin County California developed abnormally high rates of breast cancer. The common denominator-high consumption of wine from nearby Napa and Sonoma counties. ...
The Persians and Jews have a large presence in Beverly Hills and seem to get along. The common denominator is wealth. ...
I worked in SF for many years. Back in the 70s and 80s it was a world-class city. It was governed by traditional old school Democrats like George Moscone, Frank Jordan, Diane Feinstein and Willie Brown. They loved The City. Then the Progressives took over and destroyed it with benign neglect. Sad. ...
The so-called original Starbucks that is across the Pike Place Market in Seattle is not the original Starbucks. That doesn’t stop clueless tourists from standing in line for up to 45 minutes to sample the wares. The original Starbucks was actually about a block down the street. This is simikar t...
UCLA has the lowest acceptance rate, 8.4%, of any public university in America and has the highest number of applicants at 150,000. UC Berkeley is second with 144,000. Although UCLA is harder to get into, a degree from Cal carries more weight, especially in STEM. Berkeley is also more difficult ...
Listened to a radio show back in the 1980s that featured a Hollywood make-up man who had been in the game for 30 plus years. He stated that moisturizer should always be applied to wet skin. The combo of water and moisturizer work better than just moisturizer on dry skin. I use Palmer’s cocoa butter ...

re: Seattle has fallen.

Posted by West Seattle Dude on 5/3/24 at 2:25 pm
I’m a Seattle native. Seattle hit bottom around 2021, 2022. Today it is starting to slowly rebound. The Seattle City Council is now made up of pro-business members. Third Ave. has seen a big reduction in homeless druggies hanging out in the streets. There is a new City Attorney that is actually pro...
The West is the best, the West is the best. Get here, and we’ll do the rest. Jim Morrison...
What is odd is that UCLA has outdone UC Berkeley when it comes these pro-Palestine protests. UC Berkeley has a long history of student protests going back to the 1930s and the general strike ordered by union activist Harry Bridges, the 1964 Free Speech protests and the anti-war protesters during the...
BYU grads have a strong presence in the field of finance. You never have to worry about them coming to work hungover. ...
UCLA is west of Beverly Hills, South of Bel-Air and East of Brentwood. It is also has the lowest acceptance rate of any public university. Over 100,000 applicants every year. ...
What is the over/under on how many times Bruin fans will hearTiger fans mentioning the words “sissy blue”? The modern UCLA unis are more of a Royal blue than the uniforms of the 60s and 70s. A better shade of blue in my opinion. ...
Dr. Jerry Mixon, founder of the Longevity Health Clinic near Seattle, has stated that testerone injections are only effective for about one year. He is a proponent of testerone cream for long-term use. ...
II use to go to A’s games in the 80s & 90s. It was a dump then, but the Athletics were winning with a star-studded roster and drawing well. The Coliseum was built primarily for the Raiders....
Schools like UCLA, UC Berkeley, Vandy, Stanford, Northwesten and Rice take more pride in their academics than sports. Conversely, schools like Oklahoma, LSU, Bama, Tennessee and Nebraska take more pride in their sports programs. An inverse relationship. UCLA has the lowest acceptance rate of any pub...
I lived in Oakland from 1979 to 2005 and the Lake Merritt area is a Mediterranean jewel. Crime is high, but crime is also high in places like Nashville, Indianapolis and Columbus. Many of you seem to think that it is a West Coast version of Baltimore or Memphis. The Oakland Hills are the closest th...
College sports take a back seat to other forms of entertainment in L.A. Los Angeles isn’t some backwater town in rural America where high school and college sports are the only game in town. Lots of competition for the entertainment dollar. Also, unlike Middle-America, Los Angeles is a city of trans...
Small, private, mediocre colleges are in financial peril. Many have closed their doors with many more to come. ...