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Registered on:5/16/2023
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[quote]If, as Paul writes in 1 Timothy, women are not to teach men................I'll say it again TEACH MEN, why then would God use a woman to teach King Josiah?[/quote] I think you’re reading too much into the text. The spiritual gift of prophecy is not the same as the spiritual gift of teaching...

re: We are not a serious country

Posted by Prodigal Son on 6/10/24 at 8:49 pm
Warning- unpopular truth incoming: If you’re an atheist, you have no logical grounds to condemn this behavior. ...

re: Not Bible Thumping, but...

Posted by Prodigal Son on 6/9/24 at 6:54 pm
1 Peter 3:15 (NASB95): always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet [b]with gentleness and reverence; [/b] Come on, brother. There’s nothing wrong with voicing your concerns and disagreement, but, try to remember that [i]Matth...

re: Not Bible Thumping, but...

Posted by Prodigal Son on 6/9/24 at 5:09 pm
[quote]I'll post them in here when I get near my bible[/quote] [link=(https://apps.apple.com/us/app/faithlife-study-bible/id485998842)]Faithlife Study Bible [/link] Check this out. There are tons of Bible apps, but I really like this one. It has a nearly endless supply of resources. You can downlo...
[quote]Yeah bro, definitely don’t provide any evidence or logical arguments. That’ll convince all those unbelievers! Keep up the good work! :[/quote] It’s like trying to describe a beautiful sunset to someone who is blind. Your presupposed, [b]limited[/b], reductionist worldview has rendered you in...
This is the direct result of the abandonment of God’s Word. [i]2 Timothy 4:3–4 (NASB95): For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, 4 and will turn awa...
[quote]NATO readies troops for potential defense against Russia[/quote] [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.imgflip.com%2F26bkez.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=84d7b793b13678cdfdca9945db2c1837f854840acff974af9e007c63de8db78c&ipo=images[/img]...
“This is way better than voluntary silent prayer in schools, right? Amirite?” ~Atheists, probably. This is what happens when you destroy religion without providing a suitable alternative (because there is none- see objective vs subjective truth). My homophobic children and I will be praying for y...
Yeah man. Those Christians are bad news. We’ve got to get rid of them, so we can finally achieve our utopian dreams of subjective truth and morality. What could go wrong?...
[quote]Disgusting. No respect for life anymore.[/quote] I wonder why that is. ...
[quote]The jury had to have been paid to made him guilty on all charges. You really think they didn’t have a clue?[/quote] Or threatened. Lord knows there was plenty of time to do it. ...
[quote]Hung jury[/quote] If it were Hilary’s trial- I could definitely see this. ...
[quote]This is as clear as it can get - men of homosexual or bisexual persuasion, even if celibate, are not called to or allowed to join the Catholic Clergy[/quote] I’m sure that will comfort the thousands of victims of sexual abuse. ...
We can get to all of that- as soon as you can explain to me how beating up handicapped children, for fun, is not objectively wrong. ...
[quote]I’ve demonstrated your example of objective morality is false.[/quote] Maybe I missed it. Do it again. :lol: ...
[quote]Because objective morality doesn’t exist.[/quote] Imagine yourself accepting this answer. :lol:...
[quote]So Paul is not speaking of individuals when verse 10 starts. He is speaking corporately. He is making the point that all nations (not individuals) are in bondage to sin and in need of salvation[/quote] Maybe. Or, maybe Paul is speaking to the issue division between Jew and gentile. [quot...
[quote]It is not a social norm to beat up handicapped people in our society. Bearing up a handicapped person does not promote happiness and wellbeing without violating the rights of others.[/quote] Weird, huh? Like, every single time? Or just “as a societal norm?” Does 2+2 always equal four? Or jus...
[quote]Roman Catholics and Protestants [/quote] [quote]squirrelmeister will unite them[/quote] Oh how I wish...