Favorite team:Texas 
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Registered on:3/21/2023
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I wish BIBI would respond to that ceasefire with a cannon shell and a rebel yell. On video...
[quote]So christlike to cheat on your wife with a pornstar then try to cover it up.[/quote] Wait till you hear about the guy God chose to be the King of Israel. It’ll really blow your mind...
I think it’s VITAL to have people like her support the party. This is a freaking rally cry. I think awesome. If it was only maga people, what difference would it make?...
[quote]People have been predicting this for 2000 years at times of plagues and endless wars. Much harder times than what we have today. Islam at one point in history had much more power. So NO this has nothing to do with the end of days.[/quote] Hard to argue with anything you’ve said here. But r...
Yes. Florida goes by state who holds conviction. New York lets them Vote if not incarcerated. ...
I think it was always going till Friday. Lots of federal folks in that office will work from “home” tomorrow. City will get what it deserves. ...
[quote]Why are y'all polluting this thread with a discussion of a shitty metaphor from a horrible tweet? [/quote] When someone tells you who they are, listen to them. They’re telling you the truth. ...
[quote]But... if the streets are wet and people are wearing raincoats and carrying umbrellas, that's pretty darn good proof that it rained, is it not? I mean... I guess they could have sprayed the streets with water and convinced everyone to wear a raincoat and carry an umbrella to make you think i...
[quote]NONE To many pussies in America now. I wouldn't start it, but I'd damn sure hold down my homestead if needed![/quote] I’ve been trying to understand this post for a few minutes. Americans are pussies because they won’t go hot. Are you waiting on someone to lead you? Do you want your n...
[quote]I honestly have no idea where this is all headed or what the Democrats ultimate goal is[/quote] Complete submission....
I guess I just went by the hourly forecast on WeatherBug. I find them and their radar to be accurate for us within several hours. But either they or I missed it. ...
[quote]Now, I’m a weather geek, so I’m always weather aware[/quote] I’m the exact opposite of a weather geek and I have the same. I’m terrified of tornadoes and probably am irrationally paranoid between April and July. Now, to defend some people. I watched the weather till about 0200 this...
[quote]ow about we start locking them up with 10-years manual labor and construction time. have them building new cities across the country. then they can build their own city & country, put up the worlds largest fence and give them a portion along Mexican border in the dessert and never look back. ...
[u]What crime will he be convicted of?[/u] The one they made up. ...
1 Timothy 4:1 4 The Holy Spirit tells us in plain words that in the last days some people will turn away from the faith. They will listen to what is said about spirits and follow the teaching about demons. For a long time, the phrase Jesus said about depart from me, I never knew you really sc...
Guilty Prep walk Biden proclaims from the rooftop Long weekend of b/s Time served Monday morning No idea. Hope not guilty, but this dog and pony show doesn’t seem to end with an acquittal. ...
[quote]Trump's talking about using the Navy to send them back if need be. Load up a couple of amphib carriers and put them on the beaches by the thousands every day till they realize if they don't deport themselves, they might just end up on the beach in Guyana or some shite they can't control. Do ...
So their: Welfare - federal (1Trillion last year) Medicare - federal Housing - Federal You can’t take away anything. They won this battle. But crazy responses don’t win wars. ...
[quote]Leave the country or stay in jail it’s that simple[/quote] I agree with you. That’s what I was trying to say though. We can’t afford that. Literally. We cant afford them in “state housing” with 3 better than decent meals per day and a place to sleep. Unless the states are going to ...
Nobody can afford that kind of law. State jails barely get by. You see the stories and people complain daily. Without multiple states working together and some agreement made between them, it’ll be a massive failure. And egg all over the jails and counties face. At no fault of their own. The...