Favorite team:Mississippi St. 
Interests:Family, college sports, fishing
Number of Posts:3009
Registered on:5/29/2022
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[img]https://pics.craiyon.com/2023-10-19/2408ea986f2d4d45add1c378d3915ba8.webp[/img] ...
[quote]Tupelo[/quote] MS has a 5 min rule. 77-9-235 [quote]blocking this busy intersection and the train crew went inside for some breakfast to go[/quote] But that's funny. ...
I'm going and if you're not there, well.. [img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/F5txd5YUOR4cctMdmy/200w.gif?cid=6c09b952gesp3fkjz8pa2vbsr1ie9jhee7rnpxakhuv7vl5f&ep=v1_videos_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=v[/img] Have fun golfing...
[quote]she failed to pay for her chicken wings[/quote] [img]https://www.icegif.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/icegif-845.gif[/img] "Yogi it wasn't them....
The writing is best in 1, the others are better action flicks. IV was the first one I saw in theaters & the most memorable. [embed]https://youtu.be/8lkhbD9vkfc?si=vDfAQvsujF02Br3a[/embed] Made me come out of my seat as a pre-pubescent boy...
[quote]But will there be gay lovers? [/quote] Hopefully he'll leave that historical fact out. ...
[img]https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-9c7667a054dc1190f8732bbf50e8eb4f[/img] Which may become more like [img]https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:1200/0*Ez1BrzUcypJW0CI9.jpg[/img]...
Don't get close to your gov't overlords. La just keeps going backwards. ...
[quote]Sounds like she’s full of shite.[/quote] Your understanding of this situation is remarkable. ...
[quote]dumping place for all local criminals? [/quote] They're not all local...
Had the same. Nicked a nerve during surgery & I still have nerve damage. For me the intensity of the pain went down, but the pain has never completely gone away. Over 10 years. And the drop foot sucks. But this [quote]I'm 2 weeks post surgery and I can only walk about 2 minutes before I nearl...
[quote]now on its 7th writer[/quote] Why? It's already written for them. ...

re: Naked gun

Posted by This GUN for HIRE on 5/29/24 at 7:35 pm
[quote]junior[/quote] [img]https://i.makeagif.com/media/7-20-2019/urW_9L.gif[/img]...
Got news for him, if this is his 1st court proceeding, he won't be celebrating that day. Video or not. ...
"I was drug by the car" No you weren't, but if you were, you jumped on it like an idiot. "A person lost his life that day" Has nothing, zero to do with this. So virtuous. I've been thinking about it, after initially calling him weak. I would sue the crap out of them, but I understand w...

re: Jackson, MS has fallen

Posted by This GUN for HIRE on 5/29/24 at 11:21 am
[quote]exaggerating[/quote] I'm from there you clown. It's worst than it has ever been. I don't care what some article says. I've been on the front lines of that shithole & the only thing down is the quality of people. ...
[quote]Butterface? GTFO Fat? More than likely but not ugly[/quote] So butterbody?...
Malicious bastards. The SC has ruled on this. If the DA made the offer, that's a no no. Is Louisville really this incompetent? What a puss this guy is. ...