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Location:In your Dreams
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Registered on:4/5/2022
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re: Phantom interference call

Posted by Morpheus on 6/1/24 at 7:10 pm
I usually don’t like to blame one thing as a reason when you lose or win a game but it certainly can change the direction. If we could have gotten the guy from 3rd home who know how it mentally affects this team. If that play happens 1000 times it may get called once. Guess we were unlucky and...

re: UNC is a complete team !

Posted by Morpheus on 6/1/24 at 7:07 pm
My thought is they are definitely more complete than us offensively. We won’t beat them twice even if we get past Woffard...

re: Travinski is OVERDUE

Posted by Morpheus on 6/1/24 at 6:32 pm
You mean a Rally Killer...
Nice to see him patient and not swinging first pitch. Then he had a hit which eventually leads to a run. Team Ball...
100% what he is doing is selfish and not team ball. ...
And he fuked our mojo. At some point he needs heat on him if he is gonna get all the accolades because he is officially playing like shite....
Since I’m not paid to, no, but he should be ashamed of his play as a leader the last 3-4 games....
Jesus, with a new pitcher take a fukin pitch man. Not working lately....
Well yeah, rather watch a game or two on YouTube than signup for more shite ...
Prolly will, it’s just the principle. Think there is an LSU guy on YouTube who streams ...
That’s what it’s listed on tomorrow on ESPN. If so I am disappoint. Also I know we get suggestions from folks on how to watch without signing up for that mess. Any thoughts are appreciated....

re: Milam for President

Posted by Morpheus on 5/31/24 at 2:48 pm
Trump would be smart to add him to his staff now. He is sooo Hottt right now. Lockup that Latin Vote Trump!!...

re: Milam saves Bing and White

Posted by Morpheus on 5/31/24 at 2:40 pm
Tanks has had a rough 3-4 game stretch. We need him for Carolina. Finally today didn’t swing at the first pitch and was up 3-0 in the count and then popped up. Milam getting a Buster for him now....
Someone get with him and let him know the LSU game is at 11am....
I was being expressive, when you hand over your license they is signature on it. But yes Votes...

re: Still voting for TRUMP check in

Posted by Morpheus on 5/30/24 at 7:32 pm
People will respond in full support of Trump. I was mad/sad for an hour but seeing the internet made me realize people aren’t gonna put up with this blatant attack on a certain political opponent. It just got real...
That’s way too obvious. He certainly won’t get more than the fake 80 million. There most certainly would be a revolution if they tried to pull that....
as our President. Lots of Americans have laid in the Weeds over the years. Not anymore. Shite just got real...
I'd take Ron in a second if Trump couldn't be President....
People don't like what they are seeing happen, news is everywhere regarding how one sided the trial was and it scares them. It should scare everyone....