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[quote]Trump should drain her and her donors then dump her when he wins the election.[/quote] My thoughts exactly...


Posted by Guntoter1 on 5/30/24 at 10:37 am
Water snake ...
I think they are trying to come to a unanimous decision in order to convince the public that they made right decision and reduce the possibility of riots and retaliation against the jurors....

re: Why does mayo need refrigerated?

Posted by Guntoter1 on 5/29/24 at 2:52 pm
Mayo does not go bad and it does not need to be refrigerated. Vinegar is main ingredient. Vinegar is a preservative. Downvotes incoming....
[quote]One of the biggest myths/misconceptions regarding the priesthood today[/quote] Agree ! Can you imagine the scandal that would ensue when the priests son wins the starting job of the Catholic high football team. lol Or how do you pay the priest ? Do you pay the one with 7 kids the s...
[quote]The Catholic Church and Orthodox Churchs are "infallible" in one area only - and that is when promulgating our theological doctrines.[/quote] This sends prots to the moon lol. The irony is that they gladly admit that prechristian jews had the full ness of gods law up to the time of Jesus...
[quote]his is as clear as it can get - men of homosexual or bisexual persuasion, even if celibate, are not called to or allowed to join the Catholic Clergy.[/quote] This is true but it is not enforced....

re: Summer Drownings

Posted by Guntoter1 on 5/27/24 at 1:43 pm
Which pass?...
[quote]’m a Christian too just not religious[/quote] Oh … never mind ...
Saw one in the 80s at my high school. It was exactly as you describe. ...
[quote]No particular "brand" of Christianity, brutha. It's not really necessary if one believes in the Gospel message of Jesus Christ [/quote] Where is your testimony? Do you follow the Ten Commandments? Do you live by the beatitudes? You have read the book of revelation where Jesus spoke to t...
[quote]Actual Christians aren't affected at all by any of it, nor authoritarian "Papal Infallibility" or RCC ignoring / changing the Gospel.[/quote] I’m curious. Which brand of Christianity do you subscribe to? Are you a member of a church? Which one ? What do you believe?...
[quote]WE are not about spite, slander, playing "victim" [/quote] You say this. [quote]Neither are we Christians hardly "melting" over the un-Biblical, un-Scriptural policies and positions of the RCC Commie / Rainbow-Friendly / Pro-Illegal Invasion / Climate-Change Advocate Pope and a make-be...
[quote]Maybe just focusing on sharing and spreading the simple message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Salvation is what this Pope and EVERY Pope ought to be doing. Defending IT is what Jesus asked of His Disciples, and especially of His Church leadership[/quote] Agree. ...
[quote]HIS Pope and his policies may well be doing that by endorsing Pagan-Secular friendly / anti-Christ behavior.[/quote] We agree… Judas betrayed Christ as well. So did Peter. Contrary to popular opinion, Catholics follow the teachings of Christ and his church. One bad apostle does not ...
[quote]Melt[/quote] Rabbi Zolli is a controversial figure due to his conversion to Catholicism in 1945, after the war. He took the name Eugenio in honor of Pope Pius XII, whom he credited with saving many Jews during the Holocaust....
[quote]Where did the Vatican stand on Mussolini and Hitler?by Crimson Wraith[/quote] Why don’t you go ask the Head Jewish Rabbi in Rome during WW2? ???????????????????????????? After he saw how the pope acted during the war he……………………………………………CONVERTED TO CATHOLICISM You people are Morons....
[quote]Where exactly in Scripture is it when Christ founded the Catholic Church[/quote] “There’s something happening here. What it is ain’t exactly clear. Battle lines being drawn. Nobody’s right if everybody’s wrong.” At the last supper Christ prayed for unity among his followers. We di...