Favorite team:Chicago Cubs 
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Registered on:6/22/2020
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[quote]One is a set of white Navigators and the other is a set of white MDX's[/quote] While a bit odd, neither cars are really cars that people buy out of passion for cars. To some of us it's just a utility like a toaster or sewing machine. I supose if my wife (no pics) and I had his-and-hers toa...
[quote]Hung jury? Can order new trial.[/quote] He can but a hung jury is as good as an acquittal for PR value. The only way this lawfare was going to work was a clean conviction with little chance for appeal. All they had to do was pick one really solid case and forget the rest. Perhaps in Georgi...
Either hung jury or guilty with succesful appeals. Merchan has made too many gross errors to just let this one skate. Merchan thinks that throwing the case to the prosecution will sway enough centrists/undecided regardless of appeal. That said the biggest mistake they keep making is punching Trump i...

re: They get me every memorial day

Posted by tadman on 5/28/24 at 9:00 am
[quote] Russia is less likely to go communist, and Germany is not hit with penalties and sanctions that made Hitler a viable and “necessary” element for change[/quote] Russian and Germany were screwed the minute they got into the war. Two cousins fighting each other out of rivalry and needlessly ...
shite, Dave was a better president than Biden. [img]https://images.moviesanywhere.com/5bff834c9cb6fd79fabbff9c54b547c6/e9f532fd-3733-4f86-a9bb-91987c35d19d.jpg[/img]...
Crazy. [quote]And usually the cover story is, I’m a student. I’m here. I’m an enthusiast. I want to see the ships, that type of thing.[/quote] USS Texas. USS ALabama. USS Wisconsin. Plenty of ships with free tours and big guns....

re: Houston's in Nola

Posted by tadman on 5/25/24 at 8:48 am
[quote][quote]Hard to compete as a chain in nola. That place pulls it off imo.[/quote] Chain or not, it’s arguably a top 10 restaurant in the city.[/quote] Not a chance. Commander Pesch Shaba Shaya August Galatoire Emerils Brigtsons Bouligny Herbsaint Cochon Gianna Chemin de...
[quote]he claimed, without evidence, that migrants coming to the U.S. are forming an "army."[/quote] I like how we are just supposed to accept Alexandra Hutzler's word for the gospel. Like who the heck is she? Can she provide proof that they aren't forming an army? Given how much the news has lie...
Quit and leave. F*ck em. There is a huge shortage of construction workers these days and they can easily find alternate work of similar pay and skill. I had an old friend that lives a urban liberal educated life tell me that flying the flag is so "trumpy" lately. Um, no, it's American. We all o...

re: The Blue Angels

Posted by tadman on 5/24/24 at 7:59 am
On a related note, I watched the Bob Hoover documentary (must be 20+ years old now) on Youtube. Terrific show and what a heck of a guy. An American hero....
[quote]Not Biloxi, but head to the “Pass”, and hit Bacchus on the Beach…[/quote] Bingo. Great little spot. They also own a few nearby spots of Bacchus is busy. Their creole club sandwich is good too. THey used to have good crab claws as well but that came off the menu. Great spot. I just miss...
[quote]Pasty white liberals hate this[/quote] "But but but I have an education and I read the Atlantic and the New Yorker and I have multiple NPR tote bags, this cannot be happening!!!" f*** em....
[quote][quote]Would you feel the same about $250 fees to catch a game at Wrigley?[/quote] Let’s change this to lsu and I’ll answer…. I’d be pissed. I’d bitch on the rant about them pricing out the little man, and I would likely not go to any games. And if people were still buying tickets and ls...
[quote][quote]don't feel bad for anybody who pays $250 in fees to see Taylor Swift or Beyonce perform "country". Consider it a tax on idiocy.[/quote] Would you feel the same about $250 fees to catch a game at Wrigley?[/quote] I wouldn't be happy about that. But thats never going to happen. Too...
[quote][quote]I tend to be of the mindset of "if it's more than you want to spend then don't go". No one is forcing you to buy those tickets and pay those fees.[/quote] If I want to go to New York City, I'm not forced to do business with Delta. There are other airlines, or I could drive or take...
They are extremely competent. So was Baghdad Bob and Joe Goebbels. How else do you think Joe looks so good and so man people irrationally hate Trump? [quote]"I'm nervous about saying anything against Biden, because I feel as though - not that I have so much power, and you have some more than I d...
Insert asinine Boeing comments here. "bOeNg SuRe iS LoST I wuD NeveR fLy"...
[quote]Just ask the University of Manitoba how ticket sales were last year.[/quote] Ha wtf who?? [img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Jqx-OA7lDoY/maxresdefault.jpg[/img]...
[quote]So the judge can decide the prosecutor's “experts” are ok, but not the defense’s experts? [/quote] Agree. This seems in a rational world to be the fly in the ointment of this lawfare. The judge is making more than a few appealable mistakes. If their side had half a brain they wouldn't hav...
[quote][quote]My wife and I are expecting our first child, and I am needing to trade in my car for a third row SUV.[/quote] You’re WANTING to. Not needing to. This is what is wrong with America.[/quote] Amen. Wtf do you need that space for,, are you going to be carting around rubbermaids full ...