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re: They are pushing for Nikki

Posted by OccamsStubble on 6/1/24 at 2:25 pm
[quote] · Follow "A lot of people picked Nikki Haley," said Catsimatidis. "A lot of people said I hate Nikki Haley, but John Kennedy hated Lyndon Baines Johnson. And he got elected because he picked LBJ[/quote] Cool story. I’d also expect Haley (via her owners, the MIC) to have Trump killed early...
[quote]I have a decent amount, but it isn’t a good investment, it’s only insurance and a retention of wealth and buying power. If it becomes a good investment, then we have bigger problems to deal with..[/quote]. I don’t know of anyone who’s paying attention to monetary policy who DOESN’T ALREAD...
Let’s be honest. If the White House closed all offshore exploration and funneled that money to the DNC, Johnson wouldn’t do anything more than pout. He’s a feckless coward....

re: Bring Us Your Memes Thread

Posted by OccamsStubble on 6/1/24 at 6:10 am
[img]https://static-assets-1.truthsocial.com/tmtg:prime-ts-assets/media_attachments/files/112/536/844/986/558/125/original/da63e1080b838171.jpg[/img] GOP for the win: let’s use that money to go door to door in conservative areas in swing states and mine the ballots of those who didn’t vote in 201...

re: The gift that keeps on giving

Posted by OccamsStubble on 5/31/24 at 4:50 pm
If we can just print money to pay for this, why wouldn’t we do that?...

re: Libs Out in Force

Posted by OccamsStubble on 5/31/24 at 5:49 am
[quote] This verdict has brought them out like roaches here. Suppose they’re feeling emboldened by our new communist state.[/quote] Why not? What do they have to fear from the ‘opposition party’? Foot stomping?...

re: Judge Merchan's future is dim

Posted by OccamsStubble on 5/30/24 at 3:02 pm
[quote]Judge Merchan's future is dim[/quote] Fanni Willis was reelected....
[quote]Biden Refuses to Say Whether He’ll Serve a Full 4-Year Term if Reelected[/quote]. To be fair, Biden also Refuses to Say Whether He’s Aware a Term is Four Years...
[quote]I don't think it's because I'm a homer, but I would be floored if we finish dead last in the SEC.[/quote] you'd be alone....
[quote]Why can't we all see Judge Merchan for who he is?[/quote]. Because we don’t have a functioning media. Hope this is helpful ...
[quote]Steve Bannon / War Room haven’t toned down shite. In fact, he’s continually ramping it up.[/quote]. Maybe, but Tucker knows how to clearly communicate ideas, and make people come around to a different way of thinking. Bannin sounds like Michael Savage, preaching to 5% and trying to ma...

re: Possible End Times Senario

Posted by OccamsStubble on 5/30/24 at 6:10 am
[quote]Possible End Times Senario[/quote] I thought this was gonna be another TAMU “we win the SEC this yearrrrr!!!...

re: Baked potato question

Posted by OccamsStubble on 5/29/24 at 1:58 pm
it takes a while for an oven to heat a potato from the outside in, to a constant temp for cooking consistently. this can be overcome by putting a hot potato in the oven which is already consistently hot throughout, after 3 minutes in the microwave. this reduces cook time at least 10 minutes. ne...
$320 Million to build a pier for ‘Palestine’ that broke apart after 60 days of non-use says “hold my beer”...
[quote] Lol, the only people he is not getting through to now are Fox news boomers.[/quote] I am a boomer, haven't watched Fox or any other TV news for a decade, and have no idea what Tucker has done since leaving Fox. What I knew of him, when he WAS on Fox, was ONLY what was posted here. He's ...
The people who cancelled him got exactly what they wanted. Same for Okeefe....

re: Bring Us Your Memes Thread

Posted by OccamsStubble on 5/29/24 at 5:57 am
[img]https://scontent-dfw5-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/445192502_1014458883574280_7104467611758515939_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5f2048&_nc_ohc=yx8Lc46MbMsQ7kNvgFmLHsw&_nc_ht=scontent-dfw5-2.xx&oh=00_AYDnYq7Vd5iYj9xpVqMbuGE2dxXpx19p7EZiY8feUpY4wQ&oe=665BD057[/img] Man needs the Second Ame...
Either it’s a vaccine or it’s not. Does it matter?...
[quote]and they are all 300 lbs.[/quote] I suppose they’ll be ignoring Small World, after all....