Favorite team:LSU 
Interests:bagels and tacos
Occupation:bagel and taco inspector
Number of Posts:34603
Registered on:8/4/2007
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[quote]My wife[/quote] Trans woman? Anyone that defends Joepedo to this degree is mentally ill, so your “wife” having a cock n balls (or…formerly having a cock n balls) would totally make sense. ...
[quote]I love how the party that openly embraces nationalism accuses their opponents of being Nazi's. [/quote] I get it, you are a goose-stepper that hates America. However, y’all aren’t Nazis, rather, y’all are communazis. Authoritarianism is a hallmark of the left, be it Nazis, Commies,...
[quote]When are you guys going to get in on the joke you’re in[/quote] They defend it by supporting it. Targeting children is okay in the eyes of the leftist extremists in charge of the Democratic Party. ...
The commie tsunami likes to roll in to support authoritarianism. ...
[quote]When are you guys going to get in on the joke you’re in[/quote] Dude…you are a Biden boy. Talk about a lack of self awareness. ...
[quote]Fuzzy lost all of his sponsors over a joke. [/quote] Fuzzy did a poor job of assessing the moment. He chose poorly, and it cost him. While no doubt a distraction to Tiger, this still wasn’t on the course during active play at a tournament. Meanwhile, the “women” going after CC ...
I’m not a fan of him playing in right. He is very shaky out there imho. Left? It didn’t look good there. Given how we have struggled to put together runs at times, I guess his bat in the lineup is the deciding factor. Hopefully, he hits in the go ahead run in his next at bat. ...

re: What are YOU listening to?

Posted by jimmy the leg on 6/1/24 at 6:43 pm
Better than Ezra’s newest stuff (it’s pretty solid stuff imho) and some older Wood Brothers. ...
[quote]Cognitive dissonance to the extreme.[/quote] That’s how it is with goose-steppers like shim. ...
[quote]Tiger Woods got the exact same treatment by the white golfers.[/quote] You have video of him being called a name out on the course during a tournament? I must have missed that. ...
[quote]crewdepoo[/quote] [img]https://media1.tenor.com/m/dF-hOovi7dwAAAAC/jude-judexsunday.gif[/img]...
[quote]marking my spot[/quote] [img]https://media1.tenor.com/m/dF-hOovi7dwAAAAC/jude-judexsunday.gif[/img]...
[quote]are you somehow under the impression I am pro-looting?[/quote] Only during the summer months of presidential election years. Haha. How did you get that from my post? ...
[quote]stealing someone’s property and defacing it is not a protest dummy[/quote] While I agree with you…That’s not what the public has been lead to believe. [img]https://a57.foxnews.com/static.foxnews.com/foxnews.com/content/uploads/2020/08/1200/675/CNN-Headline-Fiery-2.jpg?ve=1&tl=1[/img]...

re: Is Travis a democrat too?

Posted by jimmy the leg on 6/1/24 at 3:37 pm
She must have baked those to give to the children that Joe “befriended.”...
[quote]Yeah, but private companies can’t just refuse service for prejudicial reasons. [/quote] Which group is being singled out? By your logic (or lack thereof), Walmart should be forced to stay open, despite losing money, so to avoid creating a food desert. It is a moronic take. As is...
[quote]these were NEOCONs not RINOs RINOs are Democrat wolves in Republican sheep hides [/quote] I would suggest that they are both. [quote]Trump is a mid-1990s populist moderate Democrat dropped into modern politics [/quote] To a large degree - yes. I mean, that is what he was. That ...
[quote]It's a beautiful Saturday baw[/quote] High humidity, hot as balls. Still, ball games are on, so I’m enjoying them in the AC. As for disengagement, that is the RINO approach. That’s a hard pass amigo. ...