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Great Plains Drifter

Favorite team:Nebraska 
Number of Posts:4558
Registered on:7/12/2019
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[quote]disagree and I like Bannon (and Megyn). I think Trumps campaign needs the discipline and softer touch that Kellyanne and Ivanka brought in the last month of 2016. Trump needs to stop the constant "woe is me" stuff - he needs to be aspirational and focus on working class Americans.[/quote] ...

re: Bill Kristol.......lolz

Posted by Great Plains Drifter on 6/1/24 at 11:45 am
I hold more respect and regard for the dog poop I had to scrape out from the bottom of my tennis shoe than I do for Bill Kristol....
When the stench is so overwhelming even Mittens has little choice but to speak out against it…...
[quote]Only to the Right and he and everyone on the Left doesn't give a shite what we think. The Left believes this guy did his part to save the world. There are two realities in this country. Liberal reality and Conservative reality. Liberal reality runs the show man.[/quote] You’ll probably ge...
Well, assuming he even bothers to show up (Big If), there’lll likely be a few “gotcha” sound bites for TV, Pubs can look serious and tough, then back to business as usual. Wash. Rinse. Repeat....
[quote]There’s a dichotomy where Republican presidents are pressured to keep the justice department completely independent of executive influence while democrat presidents use their justice department to do their political bidding.[/quote] This. And our Prog pennant wavers are either too dense t...
[quote]I thought the right was against cancel culture?[/quote] I could give a shite less whether the pocket-size tough guy is “cancelled” or what award he wins. ...
Trump’s a political threat. Riley’s killer is not a political threat. That’s where we are today....
[quote]Republicans are sending Strongly Worded Letters![/quote] It’s what our side does best!...
I’d love to see karma finally catch up to ol’ Hillary. Don’t know if that will happen but may have to take solace in the fact that ultimately she was denied what she felt was her destiny and rightful throne. That’ll grate at her throughout her remaining days....
You are not permitted to call anything “rigged”. Our glorious, benevolent…..whatever the hell it is ….that’s running this nation is above reproach and shall not be questioned in its ways or wisdom. To do otherwise is a threat to its democracy....
[quote]I wish for once I could get leftists to explain an issue without diverting to Orange Man bad. Especially something as blatantly obvious as political persecution as this is.[/quote] I get it. But you’re dealing with a party and its supporters who at the end of the day really don’t give a ...
“Rambling” “Falsely blasting” I wonder which side of things WAFB falls on? Gotta love our esteemed modern “news” outlets. ...
[quote]Why was Trump convicted, considering the more significant legal issues of other past presidents who were not convicted? And why do I keep hearing this isn't political persecution?[/quote] While your point is valid do you really think those on the left care? Or care what any of us think ...
Anyone who has themselves convinced this all begins/ends with Trump…..are in for a rude awakening. (Radical Left fanatics will love it course ……but I’m talking normal people who will be in for the rude awakening.)...
[quote]I thought Beau died fighting the Nazis at Iwo Jima[/quote] I think poor Beau has kind of assumed the role of “Kenny” in Joe’s strange, multi-verse, Walter Mitty’ed maize of a mind....
[quote]God Emperor doesn’t even look the least bit worried. He knows he’s trapped the libs using their own tactics. Bait and switch folks.[/quote] I wouldn’t be sad to see it ….but I’d say if there’s any “white hat” element just ready to be given the green light and save the Republic, they might ...
Not run for president and deny Hillary her turn. DC UniParty types don’t take kindly to interlopers coming in and making a mess of their gig....
Leave it to us Pubs to take the events of yesterday and turn into an intra-squad poo flinging exercise. Couldn’t ask for a better opposition party if you’re a DimProg. This will turn into a multi-pager though so time to step aside and let the regular cast of characters go after it with one ano...