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Registered on:1/3/2019
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When Elie Honig is writing articles and doing interviews on all the legal problems, you know that the MSM knows the score here. ...
[quote]Will Little be available tomorrow?[/quote] No, he's out for at least the regional. ...

re: Wofford 3 @ LSU 4 Final

Posted by Indefatigable on 5/31/24 at 1:06 pm
Nah. Dogshit at bats and Bingham offering literally nothing on offense or defense is the difference. ...

re: Wofford 3 @ LSU 4 Final

Posted by Indefatigable on 5/31/24 at 12:55 pm
Bingham is useless. ...
[quote]What is the legal recourse to review the actions and behavior of Bragg and the Judge in Trump's trial. Both did things that IMO crossed the line in terms of constitutional rights of Trump, and was so obviously biased that it seems to reach the point of judicial misconduct. [/quote] For any ...
[quote]Yes but they didn’t produce another crime to begin the conspiracy. [/quote] They are using Cohen's convictions as the predicate crimes, not a crime committed by Trump. ...
[quote]As close as you want as long as you are not hindering them.[/quote] Everyone in the thread agrees with that statement. ...
[quote]would you be ok with a LE body cam policy that said it had to be on at all times unless the cop felt it was interfering with his job?[/quote] Not at all. In fact, I’d be fine with law or civil service rules stating that turning it off at all is a fireable offense. ...
If he’s having that bad of a day, an arbitrary distance that no one is going to ever actually measure won’t remove those concerns. ...
[quote]Just what is needed. More laws and regulations.[/quote] I don’t think so. I think it only muddies the waters even further because everything involved is still discretion-based, and ain’t nobody got time for a tape measure ...
[quote] I'd rather have a clear delineation between what will and won't get me arrested vs relying on how bad a day the cop is having.[/quote] My personal preference is to stay the hell away entirely :lol:...
[quote] Now assess the problems created by making every single instance discretionary.[/quote] Unfortunately law enforcement related issues have to live in that universe because every situation is different. Rigid standards on that type of thing don’t work in real life. ...
[quote]What should he have done?[/quote] According to NY, apparently not paid Cohen at all for sweeping the story under the rug. ...
[quote]They only have the ability to legally stop you from hindering their official duties. [/quote] I know this. And I’m not disputing it. I was saying that under certain conditions that point may be more than 25’ away from what the officer is doing. I don’t like putting a number on it eith...
[quote]25' today while complying with the existing law. [/quote] If the officer believes that you backed up enough, sure. ...
[quote]If you're just standing there, filming without any aggression, they cannot.[/quote] They can absolutely tell you to go back to a fixed point, say a separate portion of a parking lot or something, etc. That object or imaginary line may be more than 25 feet away, and it may not. 25 feet is n...
[quote]but the fact that I can film LEO within 25 feet today shows that there are more restrictions on me once this law is implemented[/quote] But you can’t, if the officer has already asked you to move away to a point further than that, assuming his order was lawful under the circumstances. W...
[quote]You can film officers within 25 feet today.[/quote] After they, acting upon a reasonable/constitutionally appropirate basis for the purpose of this question, tell you to back up to a point (say a curb or sidewalk) that happens to be 25+ feet away?...
[quote]This is literally a new restriction in addition to those laws.[/quote] Eh. I can see how the law can be construed to be merely defining a limit on how far you have to back up when ordered to do so. Not really a new restriction per se, just defining an existing one. ...
[quote]No reason for anything else.[/quote] I agree. Mainly pushing back on the absolutist types like DisplacedBuckeye or 4cubbies who believe that a phone camera enables you to do whatever you want wherever you want under the auspices of “observing” the police. ...