Favorite team:US Marine Corps 
Number of Posts:27515
Registered on:1/2/2019
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[quote]Finally, I have yet to see this[/quote]...

re: GMT

Posted by NPComb on 6/1/24 at 10:33 am
mornin' err'body coc1...
[quote]I have a former friend that still owes me $200[/quote] Same and same number amount. I consider it a blessing to let me know where I stand in their life and cut my losses....
Meme or real life? It's tough to tell nowadays....
[quote]Holy shite, it sucks being a crazy person.[/quote] [img]https://i.imgflip.com/8sg7wi.jpg[/img]...
[quote]People serve for our fellow countrymen & women for the future out of pride and love for the country. [/quote] All the fricking horrors that I read about coming from being overran or take over by China/Russia are coming true without a single fricking shot EXCEPT it's coming from our governmen...

re: 1400 acres of WI farmland gone

Posted by NPComb on 5/31/24 at 8:09 pm
[quote]You can put one of the new Gen4 nukes right in middle of a downtown city block and it can make 200MW day or night in all weather.[/quote] [img]https://www.utilitydive.com/imgproxy/e_Z8YVlO5qPozYZ62niPcMk3_IDBfWCSkHGjCvD9-40/g:ce/rs:fill:1200:675:1/bG9jYWw6Ly8vZGl2ZWltYWdlL0JXUlgtMzAwX1NNUi...
[quote]House Republicans[/quote] They are so strong. They make me proud! [img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExZHlxYXgwdHhpODU4dnR6MHdpdGNqOHV5ZXAxazJyNHRoNGZ3ZmlwYyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/beioFFLyB9O0M/giphy.webp[/img]...
[quote]gardenias the smell of gardenias reminds me of MCRD san diego in may a long, long time ago...[/quote] Smell of sage reminds me of Mt Mother at Pendleton. I was allergic to it and everyday was snotnose was running like I just came out of the gas chamber :lol:...

re: We are a country of laws and order

Posted by NPComb on 5/31/24 at 2:50 pm
[quote]Don't worry...Jim Jordan is already making mad tweets about it and will get started writing a strongly worded-letter any minute now.[/quote] He had full support from Congress to take that job and he bitched out ...
[quote]"Snowflakes."[/quote] Term originated by boomer liberal parents in the 1990's to let the world know that their millennial kids are all "special and unique" (kinda like a snowflake) and all-deserving of trophies for participating in any activity [i] Currently - used by now grown up Millen...
[quote]The Dims shot their load yesterday.[/quote] You are wrong. They are literally getting warmed up. He still has multiple prosecutions coming up plus the sentencing. ...
The message was only delivered to Israel to stop LOL Joe doesn't address the Hamas terrorist :lol:...
How much money does the USA give Hamas to free the Israeli's? :usa:...
Garrett Graves still sends me emails about levee's and coastal restoration meanwhile never bothers to mention all the concessions he's given to the Dems. frick him and the rest of the RINO's....

re: Rate the hoe professions

Posted by NPComb on 5/31/24 at 11:43 am
Is it too late to add message board posters?...