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re: Latest Updates: Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Posted by Lee B on 6/16/24 at 10:26 pm
[quote]He's playing the nutters bigtime[/quote] yeah right...

re: Latest Updates: Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Posted by Lee B on 6/16/24 at 10:25 pm
[quote]Trump also criticized a $60 billion aid package for Ukraine that recently passed with Republican support, lawmakers said. "He's like, if Ukraine wins, what will be the benefit?" Republican Representative Don Bacon told reporters.[/quote] wow...
[quote]Oil prices ain’t going anywhere just before an election[/quote] Or any other time... OPEC has done Russia a favor a couple of times already but pulling back production and causing prices to rise, intentionally or not...
[quote]I dislike all of you and if WWIII starts I genuinely hope that someone you care for gets sent to Ukraine.[/quote] frick off and stop posting here, you seem mentally imbalanced...
[quote]quote: Some of the right-wing parties that gained seats in Europe are in favor of ending support for Ukraine. Putin's "peace plan" gives them ammunition to pressure domestic politics to force a Ukrainian surrender. the recent elections amount to not that much either way, with no real po...
Re: Armenia (I'd say relevant to Russia and the region and possibly the Ukrainian conflict) for those interested... if not kindly skip [link=(https://carnegieendowment.org/russia-eurasia/politika/2023/11/defeated-armenia-looks-to-a-new-post-russia-foreign-policy?lang=en)]CARNEGIE ENDOWMENT (12/27...

re: Latest Updates: Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Posted by Lee B on 6/14/24 at 12:38 pm
[quote]You have a lot of people, particularly in the younger generation, who believe its okay to try to get people fired, beat up, or even killed for their beliefs and opinions. When those people get power, because eventually at least some of them will, this could be wielded in a very problematic wa...

re: Latest Updates: Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Posted by Lee B on 6/14/24 at 12:27 pm
[quote]quote: Armenia will participate in the conference on Ukraine in Switzerland, Secretary of the Security Council Armen Grigoryan will arrive there on June 15. Holy cow. Armenia must be getting some good promises from NATO countries. Will they try to force Russia to leave their huge base a...

re: Latest Updates: Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Posted by Lee B on 6/14/24 at 12:00 pm
[quote]Not an enemies list designed to target anyone, but an attempt to identify expressed beliefs common to known Russian disinformation. A great bookmark for reference purposes.[/quote] Marjorie Taylor Greene and others are referring to this as an "enemies of the State" list and an "assassina...

re: Latest Updates: Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Posted by Lee B on 6/14/24 at 11:52 am
[quote] Apologies for going off topic, but speaking of Euro politics after the EU elections last week, take a look at the hilarious lengths French politicians are going to in an attempt to try to save their plush jobs: "These have undoubtedly been the wildest 72 hours in French politics in my li...
[quote]quote: US is the largest exporter in the world as of 2023 & 2024. Sorry. Incorrect. You are confusing "producers" with "exporters".[/quote] Yeah... we're producing a lot, exporting the excess (though this is a global market so we're really just talking numbers of barrels... ours are ...
[quote] quote: If 40% of this country still wants Biden, The safer interpretation is that 40% won’t ever vote for Trump and will vote for whoever opposes Trump. The problem is that Biden is seen as too old and unwell. The “for Biden” crowd is small, not nearly large enough to win a presidential...
Well, I'm not sure RFK Jr will actually still be a thing by election time, as someone noted above, I half-think people just like goosing the pollsters... but I don't put it past some 18-20 year olds to think his brain worm is a cool thing... though I think he takes more people from Trump than Biden....
[quote]No. His rural vote will be just as it was in 2016 and 2020. He’d win the popular vote by winning independents and improving with Hispanics.[/quote] Hispanics in Florida? Texas? California? Independents in Red States? Blue States? Swing States? "Where" matters more than "Who." ...
yeah... but we'll have people born in 2006 and raised, politically, on hashtags and tik tok vids voting this time around......
[quote]All of these polls are dumb because come election there is no fricking way 9% of folks are voting for Kennedy.[/quote] I admire your faith in humanity......
[quote]Some people have been worried because the popular vote average is close. Trump won in 2016 and lost the popular vote by 2.1% Trump "lost" in 2020 by 40,000 votes in 3 states while "losing" the popular vote by 4.5% If Trump wins the popular vote by 0.9% or is even tied that means he'l...
Just count the houses with no flags as the Biden houses...
[quote]You do know that MSM like ABC uses 538’s polling don’t you?[/quote] You have it backwards... First, Nate Silver left years ago and sold 538 to ABC, and he's no longer personally involved at all. Second, 538 did not do polls, they aggregated and weighted all the individual polls (weig...
[quote]Translation: If you as an "independent" nation don't toe the United States' line, we will confiscate your financial resources[/quote] But what about "If I don't think you're paying NATO enough (which... nobody pays NATO directly) Russia can do whatever they want with you!!!"...