Favorite team:LSU 
Interests:Fishing, hunting, gardening
Number of Posts:1841
Registered on:11/4/2017
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[quote]He went 2-5 today. In the last 13 games, he's hit in 11 of them (17 hits total). We can't ask him to go 3 for __ every game. This team has many holes in the lineup. The 2 spot ain't one of them.[/quote] Agree with this totally. He's being held to an impossible standard, and he's pressing i...
[quote]Swinging at a marginal 3-0 pitch[/quote] Tommy has the green light to swing at any pitch he wants because he's the best hitter on the team, by far, and one of the best to ever do it wearing purple and gold. You can't hit a home run at every at bat. There's no one else I'd rather have at th...
[quote]Holy shite wrong board[/quote] Technically classifies as professional wrestling...
It was a tough decision, but Jay called me for advice the night before and I told him to dance with who brung ya. ...
I've never been bitten by a venomous snake but I have wondered if it feels like a much worse insect bite. I'd imagine it's painful as hell....
[quote]So if he’s annoyed, why doesn’t he step in after analyzing the situation and go “no, this is ridiculous[/quote] That's why he's annoyed. He is expected and pressured to side with the moronic ump....
Shaq would average over 40 pts in that series but Golden State would go extremely high tempo and try to negate him by jumping out to big leads and scoring in transition. Mr. triple single would be a non factor either way....
That was great. You could tell the crew chief was super annoyed at the home plate ump for putting him in that situation....

re: Alex Box renovation per source

Posted by Tangineck on 5/21/24 at 9:18 pm
Needs a massage parlor behind the third base dugout and a speakeasy basement style bar behind the right field foul pole....

re: Dinner in grand isle

Posted by Tangineck on 5/21/24 at 5:48 pm
For a quick dinner on the island, Starfish cafe. If you want some great food, stop at Me-maws in Golden Meadow on the way in or out....

re: NFL Trivia question

Posted by Tangineck on 5/20/24 at 7:32 pm
First guess would be Raiders...

re: Top 5 Disney Songs (animated)

Posted by Tangineck on 5/20/24 at 9:37 am
1. Hellfire- Hunchback of Notre Dame 2. Friends on the other side - Princess and the Frog 3. Not in Nottingham - Robin Hood 4. Be prepared - Lion King 5. Under the Sea - The little mermaid ...
Obviously computer enhanced/generated. Nothing human about the motions or facial expressions. Eyes like a shark on acid....

re: Songs about Outer Space

Posted by Tangineck on 5/17/24 at 2:49 pm
David Bowie - Starman Styx - Come Sail Away...
I hope that cop has thick skin, because he's gonna hear about this for the rest of his life....

re: Amazing Randy Johnson tidbit

Posted by Tangineck on 5/16/24 at 8:19 pm
[quote]Warner got into the HOF because of his story. Dude was vastly overrated. Yes, he got a ring, but look at his numbers in those games. Not very impressive.[/quote] Why do people constantly say Kurt Warner was overrated? He has a 9-4 career playoff record and dragged the ham fisted Arizona Ca...
[quote]he's not wrong but the wrong person to be saying it[/quote] Right. I find it the height of irony that Urban and Little Nicky are such strong opponents of what they built their whole career on....

re: Bleeding nipples.

Posted by Tangineck on 5/10/24 at 10:23 pm
Take a band-aid, cut off both sticky parts with scissors and throw the padded part away. Apply sticky parts to nipples before long run. Works for me....