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Location:Red Stick
Biography:Baton Rouge by way of Mississippi.
Number of Posts:903
Registered on:5/4/2017
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re: Cat Island fishing trip.

Posted by BeerThirty on 5/21/24 at 7:44 am
Love cat island. Both of my personal best were there, 6.2 lber in February on the north side one year and a 5.7 in May on the east side in the surf. Love top water on the grass flats this time of year too. We have stuck lots of flounder there too, just a cool place. ...

re: US Flag recommendations?

Posted by BeerThirty on 5/16/24 at 7:51 pm
That’s expensive for a flag made in the USA, baw. And that’s just a standard flag, display flag is even more expensive. ...

re: US Flag recommendations?

Posted by BeerThirty on 5/16/24 at 7:44 pm
Where are you located? Action Advertising & Flags in Baton Rouge probably has it, if not they can get it for you. ...

re: Grand Isle Charter Recs

Posted by BeerThirty on 5/15/24 at 5:36 pm
Thanks for that info, Nova!...

Grand Isle Charter Recs

Posted by BeerThirty on 5/15/24 at 12:03 pm
Happy Wednesday fellas. I’m probably cutting it close but do yall have any charter recommendations for Grand Isle? We are headed down next month and want to see what is available. Preferably offshore but inshore is welcome too. Appreciate any help!...
Are any of the posts concreted in? If you have access to a 3 pt auger you could trying using a smaller auger bit to see if it would eat through the leftover posts. Maybe a 6” bit? Hell if you have it there I would try a 9” that way if it does work your holes would be good to go. ...

re: Extended Warrantied - Vehicles

Posted by BeerThirty on 4/2/24 at 8:07 am
I purchased one on a used tundra with 40k miles on it back in 2014. I ended up having to replace 3 out of 4 window motors a few years after that and it paid for itself just with those. I would check the coverage and if it is for issues like that, I would definitely do it. I drive high miles though ...
Funny this thread popped up this week. Cleaning out an old barn and have and old bushhog and finishing mower that I just pulled out. Anyone have any interest in these? Both 4' (I think) and looks to be, from my naked eye, salvageable. Me and time are enemies now so if someone is interested let m...

re: Ivy killer

Posted by BeerThirty on 3/18/24 at 3:32 pm
I’m fighting this mess too. I’ve been considering getting a propane torch under and around my trees that have it. Just not sure if it will damage my good trees. ...
She’s called a scooter, baw…...

re: Severe Weather Thread: 3/14-3/15

Posted by BeerThirty on 3/15/24 at 2:04 pm
Clouds look as eerie as f too near industriplex. That storm coming out of the northwest is moving fast as hell getting here. ...
I did the exact same thing with my grandpa. A few years before he passed he saw my .17 golden boy and loved it. Next time I went to visit I had a golden boy in 22 for him and he really loved that. And he made sure to tell everyone about it, and that it was going back to me when he passed. I need to ...
Plus buckshot is more likely to pass through walls and still have plenty of energy to do damage on the other side. Not that I disagree with shotguns for home defense, but with others in the house better know what’s behind your target. ...
Mississippi Mud and Dream Room go into a lot of this. Dream Room is after Mike Gillich flipped and gave everything up on the killings. Halat showed up, but sent his assistant in to find them. He was too chickenshit to go check himself. He was a sleazy muther. Corso wasn’t killed for any mob rela...
Swing and a miss, bro. You’re playing gotcha with the wrong person. Read the rest of my post. ...
What about cars? They are highly regulated. How many deaths do they cause per year? As a former service member, I would say an infantryman is going to be the epitome of spray and pray. And with the gung ho mentality, someone with your background might escalate the situation vs de-escalate? So may...

re: Gun Case?

Posted by BeerThirty on 2/22/24 at 1:57 pm
If you’re talking about ars, then yes that would work. If a standard hunting rifle it won’t. I have a soft case and carry 2 ARs, with mole bad attached I can carry 10-12 extra mags too. ...
My 8 year old female lab had a bump on her belly, and after having it tested ended up being osteosarcoma. It is very rare to have it pop up on the mammary, but that’s what she had. Per LSU, full cancer treatment might have given her 6 months, but they just didn’t know. There have been so few cases a...

re: Gun Case?

Posted by BeerThirty on 2/22/24 at 7:12 am
That one is not long enough for a standard rifle. Notice it only has ars in it, and with the stock collapsed on the one. Something similar to this would be good for a range bag for sure, similar to what Least linked. ...
I would think it being wider than your tire/hole would help you get out quicker. I’ve seen people do the same with a 2x4 and walk out way easier than he did. ...