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Watching the way this old POS putters around in every recent video, I wouldn’t bet $10 on him not dropping dead before September....

re: Democrat's Secret Weapon

Posted by fifthdeadlyvenom on 5/30/24 at 1:10 pm
Looks like she’s getting lunch lady arms in that picture. Hit the gym, fatso....
Need to see more of these assholes get clowned/yelled at when they're out in public. Especially Keith Olbermann. He seems like the type that would get in the face of someone heckling him and end up getting knocked the frick out....
Lol, that bitch was salty as frick. The folks dancing and laughing behind her made it all the better. Much different vibe than a Potato Joe rally, with the dozen or so people and their concerned cringe smiles, sitting on eggshells wondering if he's either going to wander off, shite himself or start...
Hey, look everybody!! It's a Hitler rally (that somehow is being attended by whites, blacks, hispanics, jews, etc, etc, etc). :dude:...
The Antifa goon/pipe-cleaner arm brigade might want to think twice about starting shite out there. Seen a few MAGA sistas in that line that would frick dem white boys up....
"torn families apart"....lmao. Nothing has caused more drama amongst family and friends than TDS....absolutely nothing....
Leftist garbage: "Conservatives are racists that don't care about or reach out to people of color". -Republican candidate for president performs outreach to people of color Leftist garbage: "frick you whitey, you ain't welcome here!!!"...
Like that one poster on here that mistakenly thought she was 30 when this happened, so it was no big deal, lol. [img]https://i.imgur.com/DW0DdvN.gif?noredirect[/img] ...
Looks like she's half asleep between shots. Maybe this was filmed after a big lunch and she's got dat "Itis" [img]https://y.yarn.co/ac07dbce-8433-453b-b114-3c7e7a75f84c_text.gif[/img]...
[quote]Lindsay Graham touches himself while he fantasizes about your kids[/quote] FIFY...
[quote]quote: Conveniently she's not around to call em on their bullschiff and sue them in to oblivion. Fortunately, he is though.[/quote] So are her children....
[quote]They also put an innocent looking photo of the surviving Boston Marathon Bomber prominently on the front cover of their magazine.[/quote] Lol, the cover photo made the dude look like he was lead singer for The Strokes or something. And all the nitwit marxist-in-training teenage girls had a...
They don't need no white bitch watching them do they job! [img]https://media.tenor.com/_eGyQUoE5WoAAAAM/nuh-uh-nuh-uh-meme.gif[/img]...

re: Irishman has had enough

Posted by fifthdeadlyvenom on 5/16/24 at 4:39 pm
"Mad for a bit of BBC, because the Irish cock won't take ya, yeh fat coontt!! That baw was spittin' fire!...
You can see the “just get in the truck, a-hole” on the SS faces, lol....
[quote]Anybody understand what the reporters were shouting? I couldn't understand them.[/quote] Just sounded like a whole buncha REEEEEE to me....