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Location:Smoking Crack with Hunter Biden
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Registered on:9/30/2006
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[quote]I would marry her sight unseen[/quote] [img]https://forward.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/GettyImages-1062372702.jpg[/img] Probably too old for you but too young for Kafka ...
Considering they are OK with the fact that he molested his own daughter (by her own admission) I think the sniffing doesn't bother them...
[quote]Cuban already sold his interest[/quote] [quote]Cuban retains a 27% ownership in the team, oversees basketball operations, and serves as the Mavericks' alternate governor[/quote] [link=(https://www.forbes.com/sites/doylerader/2024/01/03/mark-cuban-sells-more-assets-to-new-dallas-ma...
[quote]but I think other rich, powerful Jews feel like Biden is wavering too much on Gaza/Hamas and want Trump in there.[/quote] Not just that. Any CEO or wealthy person should be very scared about how the Dems just used lawfare to go after their enemies. I have seen a lot of businesses both sm...
Trump is also winning back large donors to his PAC that were still on the fence. The verdict has made him a martyr. Expect more of this as any business person has to be scared of lawfare NY has shown and what could happen to them too. [quote]Former President Donald Trump is getting a major arse...
I wonder how her partner in the Dallas Mavs perpetually TDS having Marc Cuban feels [quote]Former President Donald Trump is getting a major assist from a top Republican mega-donor as he works to close his fundraising deficit with President Biden in their 2024 election rematch. Multi-bill...
[quote]Blacks are racist[/quote] Caitlin has brought millions of new viewers to the WNBA which means more money for all of them yet they are all pissed she is white. Its so stupid...
Imagine if a group of white women went after a black athlete like they are Caitlin Clark. [embed]https://x.com/WNBARookieWatch/status/1796956710071910673[/embed]...
So a SS guy was guarding Presidents? This isn't anything ...
Bill Baggett Sr was wealthy. Not rich. His firm is still one of the top in Louisiana...
It's time for Trump to go at this Edwin Edwards style [img]https://preview.redd.it/qxqyliugfd281.jpg?auto=webp&s=73e958ebcc42a7c9046c866f8526c102457501f0 width = 600[/img]...
[quote]Only SEC school to acknowledge Pride month so far[/quote] Texas A&M recognizes it 24/7 365 [embed]https://x.com/TexAgs/status/1795554924966674802 [/embed]...
[quote]Louisiana is the only state in the country that requires florists to be licensed by the government.[/quote] You should all really dig into the amount of licensing laws in LA. Too many special interest groups protecting themselves under the guise of protecting the consumer. Instead, they ...
[quote]It doesn’t help. The acknowledgement nor existence.[/quote] Recruitment has been down. I wonder how much the push for LBGTQ acceptance in the military has to do with that. Of course, they will never say. ...
[quote]the DoD acknowledges gay people exist and serves their nation[/quote] Yea man because that's where it has ended and in no way has knee bending to LBGTQ weakend our military Good thing they aren't paying for sex changes with tax payer money for enlisted individuals...wait they are. Go...
I could have a lobotomy tomorrow and still be smarter than a white dude still supporting the Dem party such as yourself. ...
Dems have successfully made Trump a martyr. Good job [quote]The campaign said that Thursday's sum mostly came from small-dollar donors, including 30% who were new contributors to WinRed, the GOP's fundraising platform.[/quote] [link=(https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-fundraising-guilty-...
[quote]You can be a sucker no matter how small you are[/quote] Aren't you a white male who still supports Dems? Maybe think about that before throwing stones, pal. ...